Comments on text are in square brackets.
[How would these words fit into the intersecting nested forms that were developed while reviewing Menninger’s book?
I have started using subscripts to denote thirdness, secondness and firstness. This should help clarify
The Hebrew word “anon” (twisted situation, something amiss, a burden that should be taken away) sounds, to me, like “lawessential3(missing the mark2(_1))”. That is, “twistedness” contextualizing “missing the mark”.
The Hebrew word “pesa” (hostility, rebelliousness, resistance, among men and with God, rebellion and offense against God) seems, to me, like “(missing the mark2(disposition1))”. That is, “sin” situating a “disposition”.
Thus, “anon3(2())” and “pesa2(1)” capture the transition from one category to another on the natural philosophical axis.
The Hebrew word “ka’as” (challenging, provoking, embittering, hurting the feelings of Yahweh) call to mind, to me, “thinkdivine3(missing the mark2(_1))”.
The Hebrew word “na’as” (scorn, revile, disdain, spurn, revile) sounds, to me, like “missing the mark2(consciencelacking1)”.
Thus, “ka’as3(2())” and “na’as2(1)” capture the transition from one category to another on the moral religious axis.]