0105 At this point, Darwinism can be reformulated into a dyadic structure more suitable for overlaying onto the noumenon, since components of the structure are readily identified as phenomena or the stuff of models.
0106 Here is a picture of Darwinism portrayed as an S&T noumenal overlay.
0107 What about simplification?
I wonder whether this is where the English polymath, Herbert Spencer, comes into the picture.
0108 Natural selection3b operates on the potential of exploiting an actuality independent of the adapting species1b and supports an evolutionary model3b that Spencer labels, “survival of the fittest”. It’s like a habit. Today, “survival of the fittest” is less provocatively named “differential reproductive success”.
0109 An adaptation is objectively oriented towards a goal. Do what it takes to stay alive. So, the contiguity between the objective adaptation and the goal of staying alive may be labeled, “a choice”.
0110 Finally, nature asks, “If I bred animals for specific traits, what would I wish for?”
Would I wish for a dog that scurries down badger burrows?
Would I wish for a dog that runs a race-track and wins?
0111 Only a genius would tease out a simplification capable of transforming the discipline of biology from the scribbles of natural philosophers to the notebooks of scientific dachshunds.
0112 Spencer’s evolutionary vision is beautiful in its radical simplicity. It is what the noumenon must be, if Darwin’s evolutionary schema is to be applicable. For decades, most biologists demur, saying, “I would rather study biology as pure mechanism or through observations of natural phenomena.”
0113 But, Spencer’s breakthrough cannot be denied.
During the same decades, other post-Christendom polymaths begin working out the machinations of other “evolutionary visions”, in which an intellectual (or, should I say, “oligarchal”) vanguard selectively “habituates” humans according to their ideological formulations (wishes). Adapt to our wish-filled system or die. In some jurisdictions, this mandate becomes the human’s choice.
Well, that sounds existential.
0114 But, it establishes a point.
For some biological sciences, triumphalist scientists can overlay the noumenon with a successful model, just as in chemistry and physics.
For other biological sciences, something else is going on.
Sharov and Tonnessen’s dyad is not the first non-mechanistic noumenal overlay.