Looking at Gustavo Caetano-Anolles’ Chapter (2024) “Evolution of Biomolecular Communication” (Part 5 of 10)

0351 In terms of the S&T noumenal overlay, a beta-linked polysaccharide in the claws and jaws of the “holder” and “cleaver” biomolecules is like an emergent being.

0352 Now, natural selection enters the picture.  Bacteria with the innovation prosper.  Bacteria with improvements on the innovation prosper even more.

Plus, the wood-eating insect comes under natural selection as well.

0353 Phase two of diversification follows.

0354 At this point, I must remind myself that this scenario is hypothetical.

It is a fiction that is more than a confection (an elaborate frivolous construction), even though it contains a confection (a compounding of two things).

To some, this confection (sugary delicacy) may taste implausible.

But, it offers the curious flavor of an empedoclement.