0452 What does this imply?
Scientists have been elucidating the physical foreground of semiotic agency for four-hundred years, while at the same time remaining oblivious to its metaphysical background. It’s funny in a horrifying sort of way. Perhaps, we may be forgiven, for we know not what we do. Without the causes associated to Aristotle’s metaphysics, we cannot even ascertain what an agent is.
Here is a picture, once again.

0453 An agent3 brings semiotic agency2 into relation with the potential of ‘final causality’1.
Without the potential of teleology1, the agent3 cannot be recognized as the normal context for semiotic agency2.
0454 In section 12.2, Igamberdiev introduces two distinctive terms.
To me, “ontolon” labels the coming together of a triadic relation. A triadic relation is an ontological whole. Ontology encompasses thirdness, secondness and firstness. A single category-based nested form is an ontolon.
To me, “vortex” labels the swirling coming-to-fruition of a model, in conjunction with disciplinary language and the observations and measurements of phenomena. In short, “vortex” labels an empirio-schematic judgment, as a triadic relation constellating in what ought to be (and secondness) in the Positivist’s judgment.
0455 In sum, Igamberdiev’s terms label the two sources of illumination in the Positivist’s judgment.

Uh-oh, where is the ontolon?
0456 Ontolons associate to noumena.
Vortexes associate to phenomena.
0457 Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay identifies what phenomena can objectify the noumenal overlay.
Remember, triumphal science places a successful model over the noumenon, in order to create the situation where a model (veiling the noumenon) [can be objectified as] its phenomena. Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlayperforms the same catharsis. Yet, the performance cannot be complete, because Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay is… um… noumenal. Indeed, it contains what every biological system has in common: the specifying and exemplar sign-relations.
0458 The phenomena that Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay identify may be observed and measured by biologists.
Humans recognize noumena. That is one of the human adaptations into our niche of triadic relations.
So, sign-vehicles and sign-objects constitute phenomena that humans may observe (and on occasion, measure). That data may then go into models (vortexes) that account for the contiguities in the S&T noumenal overlay. These models do not overwrite the noumenon, they fill in the noumenon. So, “vortex” is an excellent word that describes the way models fill in the elements of the noumenon that need to be explained. Models enrich our appreciation of material and efficient causalities that are not divorced from formal and final causalities.
0459 What does this imply?
Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay explains the character of what is for the biosemiotic version of the Positivist’s judgment. S&T’s overlay [can be objectified by] its phenomena.
Yet, the nested form of agent3 (an ontolon) cannot be fully objectified by the same phenomena.
Agent3 is the normal context3 and ‘final causalities’1 is the potential1 for all semiotic agencies2.

Ah, now I see the ontolon and the vortex.