Looking at Brandon Wanless’s Article (2023) “…on the State of Original Innocence” (Part 3 of 12)
0022 Marriage is an adaptation to life in an ethnos, belonging to Lebenswelt that we evolved in.
The closest that we currently can get to the ethnos is to live in the pre-political narod. The narod is the closest way of life in our current Lebenswelt, to who we evolved to be.
0023 Wanless quotes John Paul II’s comments on Jesus’s reply to the Pharisees in Matthew 19:3-12, saying (more or less), “When Christ appeals to the ‘beginning’, he asks his interlocutors to go beyond the… um… first singularity, the transition from the Lebenswelt that we evolved in to our current Lebenswelt.”
Christ asks us to consider the Lebenswelt that we evolved in. That is no small feat, because our current Lebenswelt is not the Lebenswelt that we evolved in. Indeed, we can never truly return to who we evolved to be.
0024 So, how to proceed?
0025 First, note that in the previous judgments, both what is and what ought to be correspond to the Genesis account before the… you know… “incident”. Adam and Eve are (somehow) one with the ethnos, yet destined to enter the narod. Similarly, human evolution in the Lebenswelt that we evolved in precedes the first singularity, yet is destined to enter the first singularity.
0026 Here is a thumbnail sketch of the hypothesis of the first singularity.
Language evolves in the milieu of hand talk in two steps, as described in The Human Niche, as well as Comments on Michael Tomasello’s Arc of Inquiry (1999-2019), by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues. Also consider Razie Mah’s blog for January through March 2023.
0027 Speech is added to hand-talk at the start of our own species, Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens practice hand-speech talk for over 200,000 years until something happens, around 7800 years ago, to the dry land that is now called the “Persian Gulf”. Yes, 10,000 years ago, the Persian Gulf is dry land. By 7800 years ago, water fills the shallow geological basin.
0028 An interglacial begins. The ocean levels rise. Sea-water fills the ravine carved by the confluence of four rivers, including the Tigris and Euphrates, during the so-called “Wet Neolithic” archaeological period. A mesolithic culture moves out of the ravine and begins to settle in with a developed neolithic culture occupying the (then) dry-land surrounding the ravine. Two hand-speech talking cultures are forced into the same territory. Because they have complementary economies, they make love, rather than war.
0029 The linguistic consequences? The new hybrid culture starts with pidgin, then the children of later generations create a creole, a new language. Plus, this new language does not have hand-talk. Sumerian is the first speech-alone language. Not surprisingly, Sumerian is unrelated to any family of languages. The technical term is “linguistic isolate”.
As it turns out, the semiotic qualities of hand-speech talk and speech-alone talk are very different. Hand-talk and hand-speech talk ground reference through iconic and indexal manual-brachial gestures. In short, even fully linguistic gesture-words picture or point to their referents. The referent precedes the word-gesture. In contrast, speech-alone talk has no iconic or indexal sign-qualities. It is purely symbolic. A symbol is a sign-relation whose sign-object is based on habit, convention, law, and so forth. A spoken word cannot picture or point to its referent. Therefore, the spoken word precedes the referent.
0030 So, at the start of the first singularity (as well as our current Lebenswelt), the Ubaid of southern Mesopotamia stands as the only speech-alone talking culture in a world filled with hand-speech talking cultures. I mark the nominal start of the Ubaid with a new chronological marker, Zero U0′ (Ubaid Zero Prime or “uh-oh prime”). 0 U0′ corresponds to 5800 B.C.
Of course, that may change. The correspondence is a first approximation.
By 2800 U0′, the Sumerian Dynastic archaeological period begins. Populations within city-states are not a “people”, yet, unless the origin myths of the ancient Near East can be labeled “political theory”. They are narods. These narods traditionally support the city-state. They clear the irrigation canals. They build a stairway to heaven in order for their local god to descend from the firmament to earth. They build a palace to house the king, who is charged with the protection of the city, as well as tasked with the impossible job of talking to the priests… at the temple next to the ziggurat, in order to ascertain the intentions of whoever comes down the staircase from the firmament.
0031 At 7000 U0′, Thomas Aquinas defines the philosophical parameters for discussing the ethnos (belonging to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in) by conducting an inquiry into the nature of the pre-lapsarian Adam (who, after the Fall, definitely belongs to our current Lebenswelt). Because Adam is made by the working of an artisan, he belongs to our current Lebenswelt, and so he must be counted at a narod. He also practices speech-alone talk.
At the same time, pre-lapsarian Adam is called ‘adam-ah’, meaning “humanity”, or “the human one”, which associates to the ethnos, living before the first singularity. This precisely fits Pope John Paul II’s suggestion that, if we stand on the soap-box of Aquinas’s philosophy, we might be see over the fence of the first singularity, to envision who we evolved to be.