Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.1Z
Summary of text [comment] page 66
[Spontaneous order?
What is that?
A spontaneous order is an anti-entropic process (occurring within an entropic flow of energy). Some spontaneous orders are destructive (example: tornadoes). Some are constructive (example: a living cell).
Every creature cannot help but realize itself.
At the same time, every creature is created and kept in being by God, through a spontaneous order.
God lifts actuality out of the realm of possibility through spontaneous orders.
It appears that spontaneous order generates itself by itself. However, no accounting in the realm of actuality can answer this question:
Why this spontaneous order and not another?
A spontaneous order cannot explain itself. It cannot account for its own uniqueness or its amazing unity.
This question marks the horizon of scientific inquiry.]