
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AT-2

[Schoonenberg’s translator used the word ‘real’ to indicate the actions and emotions that emerge from and situate ‘the possibility of love’. Both ‘real’, for the translator, and ‘unreal’, for me, point to the realm of actuality, where contradictions focus attention.

The contrast that Schoonenberg explores is between ‘real love’ and ‘unreal love’. Both are actual. The laws of non-contradiction apply.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AT-1

[Schoonenberg’s translator used the word ‘love’ to indicate, foremost ‘agape’.

Yet, “he” did not rule out ‘eros’.

To me, this implies that ‘love’ is rooted in the realm of possibility. Contradictions are allowed. Real love, in contrast, is actual. It emerges from and situates agape and eros. Real love cannot be reduced to ‘brotherly affections’ or ‘feelings of attraction’.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AS

Summary of text [comment] page 72

Real love proceeds from grace. Conversion is crucial to love. The inability to love is an immediate sequel to sin.

[However, as noted in the previous blog, televisionaries and their fellow travelers repackaged ‘the inability to love’ into ‘television broadcast love’.

Of course, the word ‘love’ has been redefined in two ways.

Television viewers now associate the word ‘love’ solely with ‘eros’ (love between male and female, in the broadest sense of the term).

Television producers usurp the other word for love, ‘agape’ (love of friends, kin and fellow believers, in the broadest sense of the term). They substitute the union of the hero and victim against the (imaginary) victimizer. Here is ‘a union in hatred of another’.

Are either of these ‘real love’?]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AO-1

Summary of text [comment] page 72

[There are three figures in many Progressive TV programs.

  1. The hero stands for the producers and the institutions of Progressive TV.
  2. The victim stands in for the viewer, who watches yet cannot talk back to the television. The viewer believes that “she” is aware of what “she” is doing. “She” is watching TV. Yet, “she” empathizes with the victim because “she” subliminally knows that “she”, as viewer, is a victim of an apparatus that deprives “her” of a voice.
  3. The victimizer stands for the person who does not watch Progressive TV. Why aren’t they watching? Do they have better things to do? People who apparently are minding their own business are cast as scary, evil, malicious and obsessed. At no point does the truth about the victimizer becomes clear. The victimizer comes from the Progressive’s imagination. It is a projection.]

Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AN-2

[The golden calves have always enticed their admirers into surrendering their small golden ornaments.  They melt the donations down and fashion a statue in the image of themselves (the golden calves).

Unfortunately, television is an ideal medium for this exploitation. TV is an imagistic way of talking (which is far more emotionally salient than radio (pure voice) or writing (pure script).

In America, the exploitation of the television viewer sustains a falsehood that is so foundational that it must be presented as the truth itself.

What is this lie?

The golden calves, who produce Progressive TV, and the viewers, who watch yet are not empowered to reply, are on the same side, the former as hero and the latter as ‘someone who sympathizes with the victim’.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 AM

Summary of text [comment] page 72

[ThinkProgressive_TV is not Christian.

It loves its gods … er … celebrities (the golden calves).

It pretends to love its victims (the ornament-bearing but silent target audiences).

It hates evil, twisted, and immoral exploiters.

Therein lies the fraud.

The exploiters turn out be projections by thinkProgressive_TV onto people minding their own business.

As such, thinkProgressive_TV parodies of Schoonenberg’s concept of ‘real love’.]