Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.2 DR
Summary of text [comment] page 77
Consider the distinction, found in theology, between a sinner’s physical ability to love and his moral inability for love.
The sinful man possesses both.
[But what are the meanings, presences and messages underlying the word ‘love’?
Eros? Agape? Does ‘love’ mean whatever I want it to mean? Is it whatever our flawed imaginations project onto the word?
Schoonenberg argued that, since we are born into sinful situations, our choices are constrained by conditions. We do not know any different. If our world does not fashion full love or complete virtue, how are we to choose them?
In short, we are ‘free to choose’ but ‘true love’ and ‘true virtue’ do not appear to be options.]