Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 1.5X2
[What happens when an infrasovereign religion achieves sovereign power?
On the moral religious axis:
Knowledge3(2) becomes Anti-knowledge3(2), that is, “knowledge enclosed within the (infra)sovereign religion as it emerges from the situation2”. No other knowledge is permitted. Anti-knowledge includes explanations for why sovereign efforts fail (lawdenial), in addition to one-sided justifications (thinkpro-object as well as thinkanti-object).
Anti-knowledge3(2): thinkpro-object3 emerging from and assessing the situation2
Why situation2 and not human action2?
Organizational objectives dictate human action in addition to the person’s will. “Situation2” is “human action2 under the conditions of the organizational directive1”.
Will2(1) becomes perversion2(1) and servitude2(1)
Perversion2(1): human action2 emerging from a consciencepro-object1
Zizek defines “perversion” as “a person who acts as an instrument of a higher power”.
Servitude2(1): human action2 emerging from consciencefear_of_being_anti-object1
This coupling matches the common perception of “the slave” as “the one who is unwilling to run away”. The slave will not run away because of anxiety (consciencefear_of_being_anti-object1).]