
Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 6 of 17)

0036 Chapter six is titled, “Departures from Reason: Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome”.

Can social construction3a adequately replace the orthodox views3a that incoming university students already hold when they enter their dormitories?

The answer is “yes”, since orthodox views3a are outlawed from the start.

Colleges say to their incoming classes, “Scrap any right doctrines that you think you have.  We are here to inform you of what you should think.”

Thus, postmodern college education begins with de-indoctrination.

They continue, “Do not concern yourselves with what your parents, grandparents, and other relatives have told you about the world.  Do not recall what any inquisitorial throwback has instructed you about religion.  These are the discourses of the master1b.  Your human will1a is the only relevant parameter in the social construction3a of your personal choices2a.”

0037 What does this imply?

Academics in the College of Social Construction do not want to hear what the students already think, because their orthodox views3a are already irrelevant.

To me, this introduces what Saad labels as “the Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome”.

Postmodern academics do not want to encounter the world outside their safe space3c.  They do not want to hear orthodox views3a because such views are already excluded from academic discourse founded on the normal context of social construction3a.

0038 This is a syndrome, because we do not know the underlying causes, other than disdain for fools who cannot wrap their rigid minds around the normal context of social construction3a.

0039 Here is slower way to depict what postmodern academics do not want to see and what happens when they hide content that they do not want to see.

They do not want to see the content-level for the following two-level interscope.

Figure 11

In particular, orthodox views3a, which are typically situated (and also refined) by humanities3b and the sciences3b, deserve contempt and ridicule.  Such ridicule is biting. Such contempt has be vicious.  After all, what is to stop the humanities3band the sciences3b from excluding social constuction3b?

Do different rules apply to the humanities3b and the sciences3b as opposed to the social constructions3b?

That is a very good question.

0039 According to Saad, postmodern academics is parasitic. They are feeding off a host.

Who is the host?

Presumably, the host is the one providing students with orthodox views3a.  Who is the host?   Is the host, the student’s parents, extended family, local community, church and so on? 

Why would they send their sons and daughters to a college where social construction3a institutionally excludes their own orthodox views3a, which they taught to their children?

0040 Plus, why does Saad add the adjective, “ostrich”.

Well, an ostrich does not like danger.  So, the ostrich has been rumored to place its head in a burrow in order to not see an unwanted danger.   Of course, this does not make any sense in terms of evolutionary adaptations.  The ostrich has huge legs.  What are they for if not running away from danger?

So, this term, “ostrich”, serves as a metaphor for a creature who will bury its head in order not to see something that it knows that it is not supposed to see.

0041 That creature belongs to the College of Social Construction.

So, what is the thing that the College of Social Construction knows that it is not supposed to see?

Well, the answer to that question already appears.

Plus, the answer will appear again.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 7 of 17)

0042 Professor Saad is an evolutionary psychologist.  I am sure that he can discuss, at length, the avoidance of information that is apparently detrimental to one’s adaptive fitness.

But, he cannot say what the ostrich is trying not to see.

That requires a new type of understanding.  That understanding comes from the nascent Department of Triadic Relations.  “Nascent” means on the verge of coming into being.  Esse_ce meets essence.  Triadic relations locates where evolutionary psychology can meet political philosophy.

0043 Consider the following development of an organizational objective for the institution of the nouvelle academy.

0044 What the ostrich is trying not to see, already mentioned, arises from the fact that social construction originates as a situation-level nested form.

Figure 12

0045 In the first step, the situation level settles in (invasively occupies?) the content-level for the new academy.

Figure 13

0046 This move rules out science, reason and liberalism, while, at the same time, declaring these styles of inquiry irrelevant.

Why is liberalism ruled out?

Liberalism may be defined as “the correct doctrine of ‘live and let live'”.  Say that I want to destroy my enemies.  There are other issues involved besides my own human will1a.  Liberals consider those issues as relevant.  They are not.

Instead, in the situational normal context of critical theory3bthe articulation of oppressor and oppressed2a arises from the potential of a system that threatens the relevance of the human will1b.  Liberals call this system1b “other issues involved besides my own human will”.

0047 The light illumination3c (of social justice3c) then puts the dark illumination3b (of critical theory3b) into perspective.

Figure 14

This interscope has appeared before.

0048 Consider the virtual nested form in the category of firstness.

Figure 15

0049  The system1b virtually situates human will1a.  The system1b cannot be visualized without the critical powers of dark illumination3b.  The system1b corresponds to Yaltaboath1b, the ever-demanding god of world creation, as noted in Comments on Peter Burfeind’s Book (2014) Gnostic America.

Consequently, one goal of the nouvelle academy is the articulation of the system1b that virtually sitates (and to some, dictates) whether the human will is relevant or not1a.  Systems1b that do not acknowledge the primacy of the human will1a, produce dyadic social actualities of oppressors and oppressed2b.  The only redemption1c from systems1b can celebrate the relevance of human will1a.  A safe space1c is necessary.

That safe space1c is nothing less than the promise of the new academy1c.  The ostrich hides the original content layer.  The parasite demands a safe space1c.  The syndrome promises an academy that will deliver a safe space1c that will contextualize the system1b (the patriarchy1b, in the case of feminism) in order to elevate the relevance of the human will1a


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 8 of 17)

0050 Okay, the ostrich, the parasite and the syndrome of the postmodern academy1c wants to illuminate the darkness of the system1b.

But, doesn’t it take one to know one?

Oops, that is a saying straight out of the now-suppessed handbook of orthodox views1a.

That brings me back to what the ostrich does not want to see.

Or, should I say, “What does the ostrich not want everyone else not to see.”?

Professor Saad strives to describe what the ostrich does not want everyone else to see

0051 What does the ostrich not want everyone else to see?

I suspect that this evolutionary scientist sees the following virtual nested form in the category of secondess.

Figure 16

0052 While the items in the realm of potential are topics for discussion in the new academy, the elements in the realm of actuality can be observed and measured on postmodern college campuses throughout Western civilization.  The normal context of a privileged status for those who are oppressed2c virtually brings the dyadic actuality that some identify as oppressed and some are identified as oppressor2b into relation with the potential of persons engaging in a personal choices2a.

0053 Does this mesh with Saad’s label, “ostrich parasitic syndrome”?

0054 In terms of gender, one’s personal choice2a reveals the relevance of one’s human will1a in the normal context of social construction3a.  Personal choice2a is a syndrome that transcends (even as it bans) the most obvious symptoms of biological sexual dimorphism in humans1a (that is, men and women2a).

Syndromes are clusters of symptoms.  Orthodox views3a label syndromes1a as products, not of human will1a, but ofcertain underlying material or instrumental causes1a.  In the frame of science, these causes are biological.  In the frame of philosophy, these causes are discussed in terms of natural laws.  Natural laws correlate syndromes with underlying causalities.

So, fixation on personal choice2a is a syndrome, from the orthodox points of view of science and philosophy, which are not to be regarded in the College of Social Construction.

0055 In terms of gender, males are identified as oppressors2b and females are identified as oppressed2b.  A critical theory3b assists identification2b on the basis of the potential of a system1b.  For gender, the system1b is labeled, “the patriarchy”1b.

0056 What is a parasite?

A parasite feeds off its host.

If I look at oppressor and oppressed, I can ask the question, “Who is the parasite and who is the host.”

Obviously, the oppressor feeds off the oppressed.

0057 But, the actual relation is the opposite.

I ask, “If the parasite can choose to be a parasite and the host cannot choose its fate, then how does choice2a align with the actualities2b of critical theory3b?”

Well, the female may voluntarily associate to the label of “oppressed”2b and the male has no choice but to accept the label of “oppressor”2b.  Voluntary association with the oppressed2b virtually situates the content-level actuality of personal choice2a.  Rejection of the label of “oppressor”2b directly situates the resisting involuntary with complicity with the system1b theorized by critique3b.

This implies that the so-called “oppressor”2b is the host and the self-identifying “oppressed”2b is the parasite.

0058 Let me say that again.

Contrary to the obvious conclusion, the self-identifying “oppressed”2b are parasitic upon their involuntarily identified “oppressors”2b.

The question now becomes, “What substance does the parasite draw from its host?”

0059 One answer is apparent in the normal context2c for the virtual nested form in the realm of actuality.

The oppressed2b draws priveleged status2c from the oppressor2b

Of course, this answer cannot be admitted.

Hence, the metaphor of “ostrich” applies.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 9 of 17)

0060 I now enter disciplinary territory that Professor Saad cannot go, because it currently stands outside his academic turf of evolutionary psychology.

Why is the turf of evolutionary psychology so limited?

Remember evolutionary psychology arises as a biological discipline, attempting to account for models proposed by cognitive psychology in terms of natural selection, adaptation and niche.

0061 However, what if the ultimate (not proximate) human niche is the potential of traidic relations, as proposed in Razie Mah’s masterwork, The Human Niche (available at smashwords and other e-book venues)?  

Then, the discipline of evolutionary psychology expands, because triadic relations participate in so many human adaptations.  Models proposed by cognitive psychology describe only a small fraction of human behaviors in our current Lebenswelt.  Imagine the wealth of material, since the start of writing, waiting to be diagrammed in terms of triadic relations.  These diagrams would be subject matter for an expanded discipline of evolutionary psychology.  And, that is just the start.

For example, in Comments on Robert Berwick and Noam Chomsky’s Book (2016) Why Only Us?, Razie Mah proposes that the three-level interscope may serve as a way to describe langue (that is, what goes on in our minds when we talk).

Consequently, a completed three-level interscope is intellectually satisfying.  Once a three level interscope is complete, no element stands empty.

0062 But, there is more than one meaning to the term, “empty”.

Saad’s designation of the nouvelle academy as “ostrich parasitic syndrome” implies three types of emptiness.  Each word associates to a type of emptiness.

0063 The first emptiness comes from the actuality2a that a personal choice must be made.  A human will1a is not relevant unless it is decisive.  Is that the case?  According to orthodox views3a, human will has to work with what nature and God provides1a.  Males are men2a.  Females are women2a.  The will of God1a stands in the emptiness of the actuality2a of social construction3a.

0064 The second emptiness comes from the fact that the oppressor2b is the host and the oppressed2b is the parasite, in the virtual normal context of a privileged status for the oppressed2c.  This emptiness is filled by the obvious meaning of the terms, “oppressor” and “oppressed”.  The parasite expresses an inversion of meaning.

0065 The third emptiness comes from the perspective level, where the normal context social justice3c brings the actuality of privileged status for the oppressed2c into relation with the potential of protection (that is, a safe space)1c.  Saad uses the metaphor of the ostrich, a large-bodied but small-brained bird that refuses to see what it does not want to see.

The College of Social Construction is in denial.

What is it denying?

Look past what it is asserting.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 10 of 17)

0066 The new academy denies that there is a world outside the three-level interscope that empowers them.

0067 Consider the virtual nested form in the realm of normal contexts.

Figure 17

0068 The normal context of social justice2c virtually brings the actuality of critical theory3b into relation with the potential of social construction3a.

To me, this virtual nested form describes the institution3aC of the College of Social Construction.

Likewise, the virtual nested form in the realm of actuality portrays the organizational objectives2aC of the new academy.

Finally, the virtual nested form in the realm of possibility depicts the righteousness1aC of the nouvelle academy.

0069 The College of Social Construction is an institution.

What are institutions?

Here is a picture of the contenta-level of the societyC tier, appearing in the chapter on presence in Razie Mah’s masterwork, How To Define The Word “Religion” (available at smashwords and other e-book venues).

Figure 18

0070 Saad does not know this figure.  His expertise does not include “institutions”. So, he cannot articulate the social nature of the new academy.

0071 At first, the inquirer may think that each of the virtual nested forms already discussed might overlap with the three elements of the figure.  In a sense, each does.  The virtual nested form in the category of thirdness may be placed over institution3aC.  The virtual nested form in the category of secondness may cover the organizational objectives2aC.  The virtual nested form in the category of firstness may be set on top of the potential of ‘righteousness’1aC.

0072 On second thought, the entire three-level interscope of the new academy could enter the slot for the organizational objective2aC.

Recall, Saad’s term, “parasite”, corresponds to the situation-level actuality2b of the interscope.  Here, the parasitic self-identifying “oppressed”2b draws substance from its host, involuntarily labeled as “oppressor”2b.  I now can imagine what that substance is.  It is righteousness1aC.

0073 So, here is my guess as to the resulting nested form.

In the normal context of the new academy3aC, the actuality of the entire three-level interscope of social justice, critical theory and social contruction2aC emerges from (and situates) the potential of a righteousness that simultaneously draws upon and rejects orthodox views, like the righteousness of an ostrich not facing what it does not want to see, like the righteousness of parasite feeding off of its host1aC, and the righteousness of just being better than orthodox scientists and philosophers1aC.

Here is the institution of the College of Social Construction.

Figure 19

0074 Uh oh.  If the potential is a righteousness that is drawn from orthodox views, like a parasite feeding off of its host1aC, then why do I write the potential of ‘signaling the virtues the human will… er… of the self-identifying oppressed… er… I mean to say, the virtues of the new world order’1aC?


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 11 of 17)

0075 I left off the previous blog with a question.

How does one describe the righteousness1aC underlying the postmodern university3aC

Here are some candidates.

Figure 20

0076 One key to Saad’s nomenclature of “parasite” is that one person can self-identify as “oppressed”2b, while the other person is labeled, without self-acknowledgement, as “oppressor”2b.  The former is the parasite.  The latter is the host.  Parasites survive by getting around the defenses of the host.

The academics expressing the “ostrich parasitic syndrome” survive by repackaging (or “mimicking”) select orthodox views3a while rejecting other orthodox views3a.  Thus, the postmodern know-it-all celebrates the critically evaluated3bdistinction between “oppressed”2b and “oppressor”2b, while decrying the divinely-appointed (as well as naturally selected) biological distinction1 between men and women2.

0077 Now, take a look at the above figure.

0078 Does the reader see an inconsistency?

How can the righteousness1aC underlying the multiversity3aC simultaneously signal the virtues of the human will1aC and the new world order1aC?

Well, righteousness1aC belongs to category of firstness.  The logic of firstness is inclusive and allows contradictions.  So, a contradiction does not really exist, because, in the normal context of the new academy3aC, the virtues of the human will1aC and the virtues of the new world order1aC belong to the same sea of possibilities1aC.

0079 Here is one way to appreciate the two apparently conflicting sets of virtues bound in the same sea of possibility1aC, which I call, the potential of ‘signaling virtue’1aC.

The righteousness that signals the virtue of the human will1aC sustains the actuality on the content level2aC.

The righteousness that signals the virtue of the new world order1aC virtually empowers the potential on the situation level1bC.

0080 Here is a picture.

Figure 21

0081 In short, the righteousness1aC that underlies the three-level interscope2aC, in the normal context of the new academy3aC, potentiates two sets of virtues: the first set celebrates the human will1aC and the second set calls for an order1bC that accomplishes all the other aspects of righteousness1aC.  The other aspects are listed above.

0082 The next question?

Who can deliver the powers to reconstitute orthodox virtues into attributes of the “oppressed”, to reconstitute orthodox shames into attributes of the “oppressor” and to enforce the privileges obtained by self-identification as “oppessed”?


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 12 of 17)

0083 The last blog ends with a question.

The answer is sovereign power3b.

Here is a picture of the two-level interscope for the societyC tier.

Figure 22

0084 The postmodern academy3aC calls for sovereign acts and decrees2bC to enforce its organizational objectives2aC.  In particular, the state2bC must mandate the privileges(2c)2aC of those who self-identify as “oppessed”(2b)2aC.  Plus, the state2bC must force the unwanted identification of “oppressors”(2b)2aC, upon people who do not self-identify with the label.

Also, the state2bC must support the postmodern academy3aC in its promotion and promulgation of the normal contexts of social constructionism(3a)2aC, critical theory(3b)2aC and social justice(3c)2aC

0085 This is the demand.  Sovereign power2bC must favor the new academy3aC against people who stupidly and ignorantly attempt to situate orthodox viewscontra3a(2aC).

0086 A divided world is subject to war.

In chapter one, Gad Saad describes scary episodes typical for a divided world.  The first set of episodes occurs in the Lebenese civil war.  The second set of episodes belongs to the war between postmodernism and modernism taking place on college campuses in the North America and Europe.

0087 Saad defines himself in a particular fashion.


According to How To Define The Word “Religion”, the normal context of definition3 brings the actuality of a spoken term(in this case, Professor Gad Saad)2 into relation with the potential of meaning, presence and message1.

Here is a picture.

Figure 23

0088 Dr. Gad Saad is an actuality2 that emerges from the potentials of meaning, presence and message1 in the normal context of definition3.  The message1 is freedom1.  The presence1 is truth1.  The meaning1 is located in chapter seven, concerning the nomological methods of cumulative evidence.

Evidence2 is the basis for theory1, in the normal context of scientific inquiry3.  Professionally, Dr. Saad applies concepts in evolutionary psychology to observations and measurements of cognitive psychology.  The evidence comes from cognitive psychology.  The nomological methods come from biology.

0089 According to Saad’s testimony in chapter one, he encounters the content-level normal context of social construction3a(2aC) in the 1990s, when he moves to Cornell for graduate studies.  He specializes in the application of evolutionary psychology to consumer behavior.

Even at this time, publications in consumer research journals are not scientific or philosophical.  They are postmodern.  They promote the idea that social construction3a(2aC) arises from the human will1a(2aC) and defines who the person chooses to be2a(2aC).  Consumers socially construct their realities.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 13 of 17)

0090 Can I say that again?

Saad comes to awareness of an organization objective2aC, that contains social construction3a and celebrates radical individualism1a.

Consumer research journals in the 1990s are already postmodern.  Their authors are already located in universities and research centers that are supported by grants from the federal government.  The journals promote the concept of social construction3a(2aC) as the legitimate normal context for consumer research.  All other approaches are irrelevant.

0091 Professor Saad’s dedicates his academic career to showing that evolutionary psychology offers another relevant approach.  For this, he witnesses other professors display outrage.  Saad shows them what they are not supposed to see.

In chapter seven, Saad expresses confidence that the methodology inherent in nomological evidence1 will demonstrate that social constructivism3a(2aC) is bunk.

In doing so, raises a question about consumer behavior.

What is consumer behavior?

0092 Saad’s answer is that consumer behavior works according to (once) content-level orthodox views.

But, now, “right doctrine3a” applies to questions such as, “What is the best way to purchase an automobile?”

0092 Here is a picture of Saad’s vision of consumer research, which stands opposed to the ideology of social constructionism3a(2aC).

Figure 24

0093 In chapter eight, Saad issues a call to action.

Students should turn away from the following postmodern paradigm in consumer research.

Figure 25

0094 Okay, Saad’s call to action is far broader than that.


I already know that the ideology of social constuctionism3b wants to take over the content level, the subject of inquiry, and replace it3a with… itself3b.

Saad is on target.

From the start, social constructivism3b is not a legitimate science, because it produces its situation-level actuality2b on the basis of an ideological commitment1b.

Then, once it takes over the content level, social constructivism3a expresses a philosophical commitment to radical individualism1a.  Radical individualism is not a rational philosophy.  It extols human will.  It neglects human reason.

0095 These comments on Saad’s book raise additional reasons.

Social constructivism3a(2aC) becomes an organizational objective2aC that calls individuals in communityA to join organizationsB that fulfill a need in our current Lebenswelt1aC.  But, that “need” may not be in the adaptive interests of the individual in communityA.  Rather, the “need” may serve the righteousness1aC of a postmodern corporation3aC.

Social construction3a(2aC) is the content-level of a larger organizational objective2aC, which encompasses a three-level interscope.  This larger organizational objective2aC calls for sovereign power in order to sustain its institutions3aC and to promote and enforce its righteousness1aC.  In short, the College of Social Construction may be defined as a sovereign religion.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 14 of 17)

0096 In the last blog, the reader may have noticed a subtle shift in the representation of the potential of the content-level in the quest for a right doctrine3a for inquiry into consumer behaviors2a

Recall, evolutionary psychology is the situation level for Dr. Saad.  Social construction is the situation level for postmodern academics conducting research on consumer behaviors (but really, it serves as the content level of postmodern inquiry into the human will to consume1a.)

0097 Here is a comparison of the content levels for the two situations.

Figure 26

Ah, the potentials are obviously different.

0098 Evolutionary psychology3b strives to account for observations of modern consumer behaviors2a in terms of scientific models2b, presuming that human behaviors are influenced by adaptations to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in1a.

0099 Social construction3b strives to account for… well… not account for… but to establish that needs in our current Lebenswelt1a, underlying consumer behaviors2a, are fulfilled by the exercise of human will1b.  All other accounts are irrelevant.  Each purchase is a personal choice2b.

0100 Hmmm.  Say again.  What is the difference?

Evolutionary psychology3b interprets evidence in cognitive psychology1b in terms of adaptations in the Lebenswelt that we evolved in1a.

Social construction3a interprets all human behaviors, in our current Lebenswelt2a, as exercises of human will1b.

0101 What does this imply?

Our current Lebenswelt is not the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.

0102 This is one insight that may prove of value to scientists and modern philosophers.

The Lebenswelt that we evolved in cannot be declared irrelevant, even while admitting the primacy of human will in our current Lebenswelt, the key potential of social constructionism, with its commitment to radical individualism.

0103 How so?

0104 Consider Comments on Clive Gamble, John Gowlett and Robin Dunbar’s Book (2014) Thinking Big, an e-book by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues.

For the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, Dunbar’s headline claim is that the neocortex size is roughly proportional to group size.  The neocortex size for anatomically modern humans corresponds to a group size of 150.  Yet, the book by Gamble, Gowlett and Dunbar say more than the headline.  Hominins live in social circles within that community size of 150.  Indeed, an evolutionary psychologist would expect that cultural adaptations within each social circle would increase the reproductive success of participating individuals.  Since social circles are like nested Russian dolls, evolutionary psychologists further anticipate adaptations that increase the harmony among social circles.

0105 For our current Lebenswelt, civilization may be initially described as historic differentiations leading to the following category-based nested form: The normal context of societyC brings the actuality of organizationsB into relation with the potential of individuals in communityA.


Looking at Gad Saad’s Book (2020) “The Parasitic Mind” (Part 15 of 17)

0106 Here is a picture of the Lebenswelt that we evolved in compared to our current Lebenswelt.

Figure 27

0107 For evolutionary psychology, orthodox views3a are going to be influenced by hominin adaptations into social circles of the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, even though, in our current Lebenswelt, a differentiated dynamic is in play.  Indeed, social construction(3a)2aC, along with critical theory(3b)2aC and social justice(3c)2ab, constitute an organizational objective2aC in the societyC tier that interpellates individuals in communityA to enter organizationsB, either willingly (by voluntarily identifying onself as “oppressed”(2b)2aC) or unwillingly (by involuntarily being assigned the label of “oppressor”(2b)2aC).

0108 Professor Saad does not touch on the above, because this discussion extends beyond his expertise in evolutionary psychology pertinent to consumer behaviors.

These comments add value to Dr. Saad’s argument by explicitly posing how social construction(3a)2aC (which applies to our current Lebenswelt) cannot fully exclude evolutionary psychology3b (which applies lessons about the Lebenswelt that we evolved in to our current Lebenswelt).

0109 What if human will in our current Lebenswelt is influenced by innate tendencies that are adaptations to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in?

Then, social constructivism3a should not ignore that reality (rather than displace that reality beneath its own occupation of the content level of inquiry).

Then, critical theory3b cannot situate the actuality of identity as personal choice2a according to the potential of a system1bunderlying a manichaean division between “oppressed”2b and “oppressor”2b.

Also, social justice(3c)2aC cannot properly contextualize the division between “oppressed”(2b)2aC and “oppressor”(2b)2aC with the potential of protection(1c)2aC, because the demand for protection(1c)2aC  may itself be an innate adaptive response to the existence of a system(1b)2aC that pretends to be an evolved social circle.