
Looking at Michael Tomasello’s Book (2008) “Origins of Human Communication” (Part 12 of 12)

0176 Once again, here is Tomasello’s adjustment to the scholastic interscope.

Is this the [substance] of Tomasello’s research?

The exemplar sign is foregrounded.

A hominin perception2b (SVe) stands for a judgment2c (SOe) in regards to a common conceptual ground3c operating on the potential of ‘mutual expectations’1c (SIe).

0177 Here is the original scholastic interscope for how humans think.

The exemplar sign is foregrounded.

A species expressa2b (SVe) stands for a species intelligibilis2c (SOe) in regards to what makes sense3c operating on the potential of ‘contextualizing the situation’1c (SIe).

0178 With these two signs in juxtaposition, consider the three processes that Tomasello identifies as basic to the evolution of hominin cooperation: informing, requesting and sharing.

All three processes associate to the exemplar sign.

0179 So, chapter five invites a question, asking, “What are the conditions where exercising the exemplar sign increases reproductive success?”

The answer must be cooperative activities that increase reproductive success.

That is the topic of the next book in this series.

0180 But, before I leave this examination, I would like to return to prior expositions of the three steps of hominin evolution (points 0097 and 0132).

0181 The adaptations of joint attention and mutual intentionality associate to step one in the origins of hominin communication.

0182 The zeroth period stretches from the last common ancestor to the start of the Pliocene, where the first bipedal apesappear in the fossil record.  Bipedalism is an adaptation away from tropical forest and into mixed forest and savannah.  In these new conditions, collaborative foraging pays off.  As soon as cooperation in foraging activities increases reproductive success, the niche of sociogenesis opens up.  The team is the first social circle to benefit from joint attention and mutual intentionality.

The last common ancestor dates to around 7Myr (million of years ago).  The earliest bipedal apes appear around 4.2Myr.  So, I give an additional 0.7 million years for these walking creatures to start to realize that collaboration pays off.

0183 The first period nominally starts at 3.5Myr.  During the next 1.7 million years, natural selection explores the adaptive spaces generated by joint attention.  This includes the space for the evolution of hand talk within collaborating teams.  The Homo genus appears in the fossil record around 1.8Myr.  The expansion of the hominin neocortex is testimony to an increasing number of successful teams.  For each team tradition that increases reproductive success, subsequent adaptations routinize that success. More common grounds and styles of mutual intentionality are programmed into an expanding brain.   Each hominin team becomes better and better at what it does.

The second period begins around 0.8Myr. Homo erectus has already migrated out of Africa and into Eurasia.  The domestication of fire ensues. This is the beginning of the next phase, where hominin hand talk becomes fully linguistic.

0184 Even though Tomasello proposes a significantly different timeline, the following list expresses this examiner’s opinion of what Tomasello’s timeline should be.

The discrepancy between Tomasello’s proposed timeline and this examiner’s list needs to be accounted for.

0185 This commentary is not a substitute for Tomasello’s text.  It is a complement to his explorations.  Tomasello is an excellent, well-organized writer.  My examination may be scattered and disorganized, but it adds value by re-articulating his arguments in a semiotic framework.

The term, “semiotics”, does not appear in the index of Tomasello’s book.  But, that is not a drawback.  That is an opportunity for me, a semiotician, to demonstrate a deep correspondence between Tomasello’s arc of inquiry and Razie Mah’s masterwork, The Human Niche (available at smashwords and other e-book venues).

0186 Sociogenesis is the potential of triadic relations.


Avoiding Babylon and the Quest for the Grail of the Unholy  (Part 1 of 1)

0001 The actual title of this blog is Looking at Avoiding Babylon’s 2023 Year in Review Podcast.

0002 One avenue to the podcast is https://spiritustv.com@avoidingbabylon.

At the moment of this writing, these comedic, yet earnest, podcasters are also on youtube and rumble.

0003 The current title employs an Arthurian legend riff, because, if anything, the four interlocutors in this video elaborate a sign-relation specifying what Pope Francis, seemingly simultaneously pope and poseur, means to each one.  The appropriate Tarot card is the Hierophant.  So, that is what I will label this confluence of fallible human and political position.

0004 In general, the sign is a triadic relation where a sign-vehicle stands for a sign-object in regards to a sign-interpretant.

Here is a picture.

0005 In a specifying sign, a content-based sign-vehicle (SVs) stands for a situation-based sign object (SOs) in regards to the question of what it means to me, operating on the potential of ongoing content (SIs).

The actions of the Hierophant play a prominent role in the year-end review.  These actions serve as a specifying sign-vehicle (SVs) that stands for the reviewers drinking from a chalice of unholiness (SOs) in regards to what the news events of 2023 mean to traditional Catholics (SIs). 

0006 Here is a picture.

0006 Now, the members of the discussion do not quest for the grail of the unholy.  Rather, they suffer it.  The elixir that they reluctantly imbibe is a distillate of the rotted fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, vaporized and condensed by nefarious operators similar to those fingered in Charles Theodore Murr’s book (2022) Murder in the 33rd Degree.

0007 Razie Mah offers two snapshots of this distillate.

One is Looking at Sam Smith and Kim Petras’s Music Video (2022) “Unholy”, presented in Razie Mah’s blog on February 11, 2023, several days after the Grammy awards.

Two is Looking at Carlo Vigano’s Speech (2021) “How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order”,presented during July 2022, in the same blog.

This is what the talents at Avoiding Babylon taste.

0008 So, what is this distillate?

Well, the answer is obvious.

The distillate is the liquid in the grail of the unholy.

Surely, the elixir is spiritual.  But, it is not the blood of Christ.  Its mash is stamped from the modern grapes of alienation and resentment.

0009 At this moment, pause, and take a glance at the title of this blog.  The title proposes a quest, not for the distillate, but for the grail of the unholy.  The grail is the vessel, the cup, the chalice of what is unholy.

0010 Spoken words are so slippery.

Perhaps, the following articulation is more suitable.

I propose a quest for the doctrine of original sin.

0011 The doctrine of original sin is the vessel of the unholy, purchased by Christ in the transaction of all time, bringing good out of the fall of Adam and Eve.

0012 But, has not Augustine’s doctrine of original sin been disproven by modern science?

This is a very good question.

To witness one Christian author caught in the tentacles of this “has not”, consider Looking at Andrew Ter Ern Loke’s Book (2022) “The Origin of Humanity and Evolution”, appearing in Razie Mah’s blog between November 30 and 1, 2023.

0013 I propose that Avoiding Babylon pose this question to their audience, in an open forum, along with the following queries. (1) Is Augustine’s doctrine of original sin still valid after modern science demonstrates that there is no genetic bottleneck, as would be expected if Adam and Eve are parents of all humans? (2) Does Augustine’s diagnosis of concupiscence still apply? (3) What about other diagnoses, such as the Protestant’s doctrine of total depravity?  Do they still apply? Finally, (4) are there any alternate formulations of original sin proposed after Augustine but before the modern Age of Ideas?

0014 I suspect that the answers will be: (1) No.  (2) Yes.  (3) Yes, look no further than the demos-racket party members and their rino consorts beholden to the glow-baloney-ists. (4) Yes, Thomas Aquinas proposes that original sin is the deprivation of original justice.

0015 In a subsequent open forum, I propose that the audience of Avoiding Babylon riddle this question.  Does Aquinas’s proposal that original sin is the deprivation of original justice apply to human evolution?

In other words, is there a twist in human evolution?

Is human evolution shaken, not stirred?

Has the living world of humanity changed?

Is the German word, “Lebenswelt”, appropriate?

What if our current Lebenswelt is not the same as the Lebenswelt that we evolved in?

0016 Why stop there?

Can the Lebenswelt that we evolved in correspond to an era of original justice?

Can our current Lebenswelt correspond to an era of original sin?

0017 Of course, with questions like these, an open forum may descend into chaos.  To date, no one seems willing to connect the dots, except for Razie Mah.  That give this literary figure a certain daring.  He even proposes a label for the transition from the Lebenswelt that we evolved in to our current Lebenswelt.

The label is “the first singularity”.

Yes, there is an archaeology of the fall.

0018 If Aquinas’s concept of original justice applies to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in, then how are we to envision this… um… Edenic existence?

Perhaps, inquirers may consider the lives of newborns, infants, toddlers and young children.

These innocent creatures did not evolve to grow up in civilization, did they?

0019 Two recent blogs by Razie Mah assist in opening the modern mind to the possibility that we evolved to be what children expect us to be, which is nothing like what we adults actually are in today’s unconstrained social complexity.

One is Looking at John Deely’s Book (2010) “Semiotic Animal”, appearing from October 30 to 2, 2023.  John Deely (1942-2017 AD) is the only postmodern semiotician buried in the cemetery adjacent to Saint Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.  His last student, Brian Kemple, runs the Lyceum website and is worthy of an interview.  So are the contributors to his online journal, Reality.

Two is a series of examinations of the works of Michael Tomasello, recently retired Co-Director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany (and may be living near Duke University in North Carolina).  These will appear from March 31 to January 4, 2024 (and will be wrapped into an e-book titled, Comments on Michael Tomasello’s Arc of Inquiry (1999-2019), soon to be available at smashwords and other e-book venues).

0020 So, the question is, “Are these little tykes expecting us to be, who we evolved to be? And, if so, then why do we seem to fail to live up to their expectations, say nothing of our own expectations for ourselves?”

I suspect that Dr. Tomasello might want to take a swing at that hardball question.

0021 Imagine the implications of associating Aquinas’s original justice to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.

0022 As for our current Lebenswelt of original sin, the prior specifying sign says that Pope Francis, as a premier news maker of 2023 (SVs), stands for traditional Catholics being forced to drink elixir from the grail of the unholy (SOs) in regards to the question of what it means to believers, who are concerned about ongoing events (SIs).

0023 Of course, scientists like to call these news items, “memes”, easily transmitted virus-like units of cultural information.  Today, memes are everywhere.  They are incessantly broadcast.  So if the Hierophant employs memes, then what is the nature of memes?

Here, Looking at Daniel Dennett’s Book (2017) “From Bacteria, to Bach and Back”, appearing in Razie Mah’s blog in December 2023, offers a notion that memes, bits of gossip, pithy justifications of concupiscence, demoralizing proclamations, and label-attaching accusations involve the specifying sign (as already noted) as well as the interventional sign.

0024 The interventional sign?

The interventional sign is like a mirror of the specifying sign.

In a specifying sign-relation, the content-based sign-vehicle (SVs) is picked up by the senses as a mind-independent being.  The situation-based sign-object (SOs) is mind-dependent.

In an interventional sign-relation, the content-based sign-object (SOs) is available to the senses as an apparently mind-independent being, which is totally backwards from the specifying sign.  The perspective-based sign-vehicle (SVi) is mind-dependent.

0025 For the interventional sign-relation, a perspective-based idea in the mind of someone (or something) (SVi) stands for what the participants sense (SOi) in regards to the content-based question, what is happening, drawing upon the possibility that ‘something’ is happening (SIi).

0026 Here is a picture for the meme at hand.

0027 Note that the sign-object of the interventional sign (SOi) is contiguous with the sign-vehicle of the specifying sign(SVs).

However, the interventional sign-relation is much more difficult to assess than the specifying sign-relation

0028 The lesson is on display in Avoiding Babylon’s podcast of the year 2023 in review.

The Hierophant offers an elixir that tastes like poison to traditional Catholics and the interlocutors ask what is happening.  They cannot figure out the potential of ‘something’ happening’ because they cannot ideate, much less imagine, that the current Hierophant is an object (SOi), called into being by an alien intelligence guiding what is happening and the potential of ‘something’ happening (SIi) in the process of implementing an alien idea, plan or judgment (SVi).

0029 Now, substitute the word, “unholy”, for “alien”.

An unholy idea (SVi) stands for this Hierophant making the news (SOi) in regards to the question of what is happening arising from the potential of ‘something’ happening (SIi).

0030 No, this does not sound like concupiscence.

This sounds like something far more deranged.

0031 Has the Yaltaboath of Modernism found its Voice?

Does the Modern Yaltaboath seek to destroy the chalice of the unholy, which has been disproven, then disregarded, but still retains its power to contain the elixir of whatever idea, plan or judgment that our unconstrained minds can conceive?

Will Avoiding Babylon conduct a quest for original sin?

Will they seek to discover the cup of the unholy capable of containing the juices of Modernism?


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 1 of 10)

0001 The full title of the work before me is The Tower of Babel Moment: Lore, Language, Leibniz, and Lunacy.   The author is one of the wandering stars of our current age, an era when academics award more doctorates than any job market can absorb.  Professors with sharp elbows occupy the few available academic positions, leaving brilliant and successful graduates, the ones with sharp minds, to find places in heaven knows where.

Farrell finds a spot on the internet, that once verdant pasture of free expression, and establishes his own scholastic exploration outside of modern institutional constraints.  In short, he founds his own school.  Those who listen to his voice offer remuneration.  God bless all concerned.

0002 The work before me offers speculation on the nature of the titular biblical story.

Farrell proceeds by way of a spiral staircase of observations and… may I say?.. expansive “measurements”.  Measurements of what?  The literature of the seventeenth century?  The titans of the late Renaissance?  Yes, that will do.

0003 My goal in this examination is to shoehorn Farrell’s exploration into a category-based nested form composed of category-based nested forms.  The interscope is elaborated in A Primer on Sensible and Social Construction, by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues.  Of all procrustean beds that I have at my disposal, the interscope is most accommodating.

Here is a diagram of the interscope.

0004 The method is simple.  First, associate features of Farrell’s argument to elements in the above matrix.  Second, discuss the implications.

Each nested form consists of four statements, the most paradigmatic of which goes like this.  A normal context3 brings an actuality2 into relation with the possibilities inherent in ‘something’1.  The subscripts refer to the categories of Charles Peirce.  Thirdness brings secondness into relation with firstness.

The nested form is fractal.  An interscope is a category-based nested form composed of category-based nested forms.  A two-level interscope associates with sensible construction.  A three-level interscope corresponds to social construction.  Note how the labels change from 1, 2 and 3 to a, b, and c.

The three-level interscope allows the visualization of virtual nested forms, composed of elements within one column.  For example, the virtual nested form in the realm of actuality turns the second column into a category-based nested form,where a perspective-level actuality2c (as virtual normal context) brings a situation-level actuality2b (as virtual actuality) into relation with a content-level actuality2a (as virtual potential).

0005 Farrell opens chapter one with his personal discovery of Leonard Bernstein’s recorded lectures, titled “The Unanswered Question”.  In these lectures, Bernstein discusses Noam Chomsky, who has his own unanswered questions.  Chomsky, in turn, provokes Farrell to ask his own unanswered question, “How do linguists go about demonstrating linguistic universals?”

A universal may be regarded as an observable feature “measurably” appearing in all spoken languages.

0006 Phonologists find common observable features in the sounds of speech.  Common sounds are attributed to the anatomy of the head and neck.

Etymologists find common observable features in closely related words in different languages.  The words are similar and not identical, because they arise from isolation and drift among speaking populations, in a manner similar to biology’s slogan, “descent with modification”.

0007 The key?

Universals imply common origins.  For phonologists, the universal is biological.  For the linguist, the universal is… perhaps lost… in the recesses of time.

0008 A dramatic hypothesis stands against this key.  A sudden change may destroy the common language of humanity.  That change may be labeled, “A Tower of Babel Moment”.

0009 Years ago, Farrell proposes a wider context to this type of hypothesis.  The scenario includes ancient cosmic wars and world grids.  But, these are other books, and other matters, than the text at hand.

0010 So, before going on to chapter two, let me draw some associations.

On the content level, the normal context is language3a.  The actuality may be called a “topology”, or a map of all spoken languages2a.  The potential is that universals imply common origins1a.

The normal context of language3a brings the actuality of cross-language maps2a into relation with the potential of ‘the idea that universals imply common origins’1a.

On the situation level, the normal context is a civilizational moment3b.  The actuality is the Tower of Babel (the biblical story)2b.  The possibility is ‘discontinuity’1b.

The normal context of a civilizational moment3b brings the actuality of the story in Genesis 112b into relation with the potential of a discontinuity1b that corresponds to God confounding the common language of the plains of Shinar.

0011 Here is the two-level interscope.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 2 of 10)

0012 Chapter two discusses the Tower of Babel story, along with ancient commentaries.

In Genesis, the story of Noah’s flood is followed by the genealogy-rich Table of Nations.  The Table of Nations leads into the Tower of Babel incident.  Then, another genealogy follows, segueing into the stories of Abram (who becomes Abraham).

Farrell does not take the reader into the particularity… that is, the “fit”… of this story as an introduction to Abram’s call.  He does not speculate that Abram’s call is directly connected to the embarrassing collapse of a bureaucratic project that promised to deliver a monument rivaling those of the Egyptians.

0013 Instead, Farrell wonders why the denizens… er… rather, the elites of the land of Shinar seek notoriety in building a structure larger than… those damned Egyptian pyramids that everyone admires.  At the time, the Egyptian pyramids are even more impressive than today.  A stone casement adorns each side.  The casement has been chipped off over the millennia.  So, we will never know what the pharaoh proclaimed about himself, for all to read.

Whatever it was, I suspect that it had to be edited by later pharoahs.

0014 Timing?

Farrell is not so interested in connecting the Tower building to a historical event.

Nevertheless, intelligent guesses are possible.

The idea of a tower that establishes the notoriety of a people… or is it regime?.. places the building of the Tower of Bab-ilim (Sumerian for “the gate of the gods”) after the Egyptian pyramid building frenzy (by most reckonings, occurring between 2550 to 2450 B.C.)

According to the world history encyclopedia, dynastic civilization in southern Mesopotamia is already hundreds of years old at this time, in the style of city states.  Around 2500 B.C., the first dynasty of Lagash establishes the first empire, swallowing many city states into one administration.  Codes of law appear by 2350 B.C.  Sargon the Akkad’s empire is even greater than the first.  Sargon sacks Ur in 2330 B.C.  Ziggurats are in use in many Sumerian cities by 2100 BC, showing what empire-ruling administrations can accomplish. The first king-list is officially registered around the same time.

Then, a short dark age follows, say 2080-2020 BC.

A Sumerian rebirth follows, the Ur III period in Sumer, the third dynasty of Ur, lasts from 2047 to 1750 BC.  Then, Babylonians invade.  Elamites attack.  Amorites migrate into the region.  Sumerian civilization ends.

0013 Farrell is interested in what the Genesis tales reveal.

Genesis offers a clue concerning the leader of the populations of Shinar.  Nimrod is a mighty hunter before the Lord. Everyone else is completely intimidated.  Nimrod hunts and conquers wild beasts.  What about human hearts?  Nirond overflows with charisma.

So, of course, Nimrod’s lackeys… er… “administrators” want to advertise his name (as better than the Pharaoh’s).  What better billboard than a tower reaching to the heavens?  Certainly, the Tower of Bab-ilim would secure their leader’s fame as well as ensure their own narrow objectives, such as maintaining their positional power as gatekeepers of the world most sacred site.  Sacred?  Yes, the word, “Bab-ilim”, in Sumerian, means “gate of the gods”.

0014 So what does God do?

God comes down and confounds their speech… oh, I mean to say… their common language.

Once the language is confounded.  Work grinds to a halt.  The project is abandoned.  The blame game begins.

0015 Here, Farrell follows his discriminating nose to the concept that smells the most suspicious.

What is this “common language” business?

Mother tongues are associated with peoples.  Peoples have similar genetics, by way of descent.  So, does the confounding go all the way to the genes?  And, what is in our genes that can be confounded?  Is it DNA.  Or is it what the DNA expects to encounter once its curiously complex code is rendered into a genotype that potentiates a phenotype?

0016 This reader imagines that the Tower of Babel story fits into the terminal events of Ur III, or perhaps with the preceding brief (but, I am sure, distressing) “dark age”.  I imagine that Nimrod is an outsider, living off charisma, speaking a language that is different than Sumerian.  Suggestions?  Akkadian will do.

So, Nimrod rules over the plain of Shinar where two languages are spoken.  One associates with his new regime.  One associates with the old regime.  There are two peoples.  At the same time, there are two elites who want to take advantage of the union of the peoples.

So, a map needs to be constructed.  The topology of this map connects spoken terms between the languages.  With such a map, the people, in theory, speak a common language.

If they speak a common language, then there is nothing that they cannot do.

0017 Here is a picture of Farrell’s second procrustean bed, concerning the tower’s construction.

Note that a two-level interscope corresponds to sensible thought.

0017 Here is a picture of Farrell’s next procrustean bed, concerning the tower’s deconstruction.

Note that God’s intervention brings the perspective level into play.  Once in play, social construction begins.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 3 of 10)

0018 What do I know so far from the Genesis 11 story?

0019 In terms of technical cohesion3b, kiln-fired bricks2b are expensive and methodologically demanding1b. They must be uniformly burnt “thoroughly”1b.  So, there can be no diversity in the meeting of specifications.  When the architectorders bricks for a monumental tower and asks that the bricks be burnt “thoroughly”, the manufacturer must deliver the appropriate product.  So, the situation-level nested form addresses the organization or incorporation of the project.

In particular, the potential of “overcoming diversity” means that all the bricks are burnt thoroughly.

0020 Farrell further informs me that the Sumerian word, “Bab-ilim”, “gate of the gods”, is readily confounded with the Hebrew word, “Babel”, “confusion”.  

May I wonder whether the technical term for “thorough” has a counterpoint in punnery?

0021 Farrell continues.  Old Testament pseudepigraphical referrals to the Tower of Babel story are found in several books of the Sybilline Oracles (date estimated to be 150-200 A.D.).

In Book 3, a brief allusion tells of Nimrod-philic administrators wanting to go up to the starry heavens.  This precisely contradicts the administrator’s propaganda that visualizes the tower as a passage from the firmament to earth.  Celestial beings are invited to come down for refreshment.  Mortal beings (except, of course, the administrators themselves) are not invited to go up and do something impetuous, like carve their initials into the metallic surface of the firmament.

In Book 11, the text mentions a universal ruler who furnishes another race of restless men.  Does that terminology sound like “immigrant laborers”?  I suppose the line between immigrant and “restless” is fuzzy, at best.  These are the ones1bwho make the bricks to construct a tower of awful height, in opposition to heaven.

0022 Farrell suggests that these brief snippets add to the picture in Genesis 11 in intriguing ways.

First, the idea of going to the starry heavens intimates a desire for cosmic power (that is, the power of celestial beings).  Can that desire be reduced to a quest for immortality (for example, as portrayed in the epic of Gilgamesh)?  Is mortality tied to the confounding of the languages that accompany the deconstruction of the Tower?

Second, one aspect of the confusion of languages is phonetic drift.

Third, maybe, the immigrant-slave laborers are not regarded as human.

0023 Farrell next considers Slavonic and Greek translations of 3 Baruch.

In the former, the Slavonic writer sees features of the story in a vision.  At the start, angels carry the visionary through an immense portal (time and space?) to a plain populated by chimeric men, with faces of cattle, horns of deer, feet of goats and loins of rams.  When questioned, the angels say that these are the ones who built the tower of war against God.  The Lord threw them out.

Later, the angels say that these chimerians force men and women to make bricks.  One woman gives birth while engaged in such tasks and is not allowed to stop.

In a more technical vein, the visionary finds out that the chimerians devise an augur.  What is the plan?  When they get high enough to contact the firmament, they will use the augur to drill a hole in its surface, in order to ascertain its composition.

0024 Farrell asks the reader to consider genetic technologies to account for the chimeric humans.  Plus, dows not the thickness of the gates of heaven indicate distances of transit from Earth to Sun or from Earth to Saturn?  Such questions raise the specter of interplanetary powers.  Is the goal of the Tower to manipulate celestial mechanics?

Too bad the chimerians are not around to ask.

0025 Farrell next turns to the Book of Jubilees, where the Lord our God says that, if the tower is completed, nothing will escape the Nimrod-affiliated administrative state (or, I should note, God says ‘something like that’).  This explains why the Tower is called “an act of war against God”.

Most likely, the administrators claim (for the public to hear) that the Tower will serve the convenience of the celestial being.  Come on down and have refreshment!   But, the administrators (in private) have far more nefarious plans.

Thank God, no one knows about them.

0026 The citizens of the Shinar plain agree that whatever the administrators say must be correct.  The great tower should ease the descent of a celestial being.  Even the immigrant-slave laborer, who still knows what “thorough” means, is on board.  Even that woman giving birth knows that her “people” can do anything that they set out to do.  After all, they have a common language.

It’s like mind over matter.

In this regard, Farrell mentions the research of a material-science professor, at the University of California (back in the day), who demonstrates that humans, through agreement and projected intention, can generate “psychometric objects”.

Are these things that are altered by conditions?  Or things that alter conditions?  Or maybe both?

“Psychometric” is an evocative (yet ambiguous) adjective… and occasionally… noun.

0027 To me, “psychometric” describes the difference between an actuality alone and an actuality2 with a normal context3and potential1.  An actuality by itself is a mind-independent being composed of matter and form.  An actuality2 that is bounded by a normal context3 and potential1 permits understanding or whatever one wants to call the entire nested form as a mind-dependent being.

Farrell notes that psychometric objects naturally belong to rituals.  In Christian tradition, bread and wine (matter and form) transubstantiates to the Body and Blood of Christ (being and form, as actuality2 in a nested form).  The appearance or essence of the substantiated form remains the same.  The presence or esse_ce of the substantiating being changes from matter to being.  Matter is material.  Being is relational.  Being entangles matter in its relationality.

The Eucharist is an exemplar for psychometric objects.

Being (relationality) entangles matter (physicality).

A category-base nested form entangles an actuality itself.

0028 Speaking of psychometric objects, Farrell next turns to Pseudo-Philo’s version of the Tower of Babel story, where “thorough” takes on an alchemical flavor.  Each person says to his neighbor, “Let us write our names on the bricks and then thoroughly burn them in fire.”

To me, the immigrant-slave laborers are only imitating their Nimrod-loving administrative masters.  The word, “thoroughly”, passes from a technical quantification to an alchemic qualification.  To burn a brick is to heat it long enough to fix the written name, rather than to drive all the water out, leaving spaces for molten bitumen to seep into before solidifying and stabilizing the brick.

The thoroughly burnt brick absorbs molten bitumen.  When the bitumen solidifies, it fortifies the brick.

The alchemically psychometric burned brick appears to absorb molten bitumen, but maybe not as much.  Plus, it costs a lot less.

Does that sound like a recipe for disaster?

0029 Pseudo-Philo re-iterates the idea that, if these Nimrod-serving bureaucrats and their immigrant-slaves act as one people, due to the conviction that they speak “one language”, then they will be daring in all that they propose to do, including building a tower that will rival the Egyptian pyramids.

But, Pseudo-Philo does not seem to notice that the method of brick manufacture has already changed, from construction material to alchemical psychometric thing, making it more and more difficult to ascertain which bricks are suitable for monumental construction and which are not.

How can the translator stone permit the discrimination of technically thoroughly burnt bricks from alchemical psychometric bricks when the translator stone is the mechanism supporting the ideology that the people of the old regime and the people in the new regime now speak one language and that makes them one people?

0030 The two-level interscope changes slightly, but tellingly.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 4 of 10)

0032 So far, the pointed mention of a common language before the construction of the Tower of Babel suggests a single people speaking a single mother tongue, rather than a translator stone that maps between the language of an established elite (Sumerian still is spoken in temple halls and in schools of learning) and the language of immigrants (Akkadian is spoken by the newcomers, both elites and common folk).

However, the image of a common language does not rule out the possibility that there is an instrument, a translator stone, capable of rendering Sumerian into Akkadian and back again.  Plus, this instrument would be in the hands of the newcomers, the “administrative” elites, who have taken over management and think that Nimrod is a great sport.  These administrators would never cross Nimrod and his family.  But, they might subvert the execution of those royal commands that do not advance their own interests.

In fact, the established elites and the incoming elites have their own incentives to fashion a single people for the mighty hunter to rule.

0033 Indeed, certain clues in the Genesis text and subsequent commentaries argue against the suggestion that the term, “common language”, requires a single people speaking a single mother tongue.

But, what does the idea of a common language indicate?

0034 Farrell asks the reader to consider late 19th and early 20th century inquiry into the Indo-European language radiation, which documents many of linguistic transitions through writing.  Yes, writing is invented soon after the proto-Indo-European population rapidly grows and diversifies and settles new lands (including Europe, Persia and northern India).

The proto-Indo-Europeans are a single people with a common tongue around 4000 B.C.  Writing first appears slightly later in Mesopotamia and Egypt.  So, this language radiation picks up writing along the way, enriching the documentary evidence for the hypothesis of a language radiation from a single population.

0035 Indeed, scientific inquiry into spoken languages and peoples shows that these two go together for the radiation of the Indo-European family of languages.

0036 Can the same be said for all spoken languages?

Do all spoken languages and populations go together, all the way back to the population that founds Homo sapiens?

Plus, wouldn’t it be nice if scientists obtain a psychometric object that can verify an affirmative answer.  The psychometric object cannot be writing, since writing starts, say, around 3000 B.C., and anatomically modern humans appear in the archaeological record before 200,000 years ago.  Perhaps, a computer simulation will suffice.

Statistical correlations might work.

0037 What does this tell me?

Does Farrell want to find a key in the union of language and populations (hence, genetics)?

The union of language and population is supported by well-documented research into the Indo-European radiation.  The divergence of the languages is documented in writing, so to speak. 

The union of language and population supports the alluring psychometrics of modern linguistic inquiry.  Inquiry discerns more and more expansive language families, reaching back to the earliest Homo sapiens.  Is the divergence of all languages documented by our genetics, so to speak?

Such documentation will make the union of language and population uncontestable.

Will the union be so uncontestable that one can construct an ideology that says, “If we share a common tongue, then we are one people.”?

And, can that ideology be so persuasive that everyone in a region buys into it, even though they speak different languages?

0038 I wonder, and in that wonderment, I offer the following three-level interscope as Farrell’s next procrustean bed.

0039 On the content level, the actuality of a translator stone2a is contextualized by an ideology of a common language3athat is supported by the potential of ‘technical and group cohesion’1a.  This material and immaterial cohesion1a must be strong enough to sustain an ambitious project of monument construction2b.

Working against this cohesion1a is the potential that the labor is immigrant and not particularly well-remunerated1b.  Here, the alchemic knowledge1c that contextualizes the tower’s construction2b comes into play.  Alchemic knowledge1c supports the ideology that both elite and immigrant practice a common language3a, courtesy of the translator stone2a.

0040 Here is the virtual nested form in firstness.

Consider the psychometrics.

If immigrant and slave labor serves as a potential1b by itself, then, to me, it seems unlikely to support the actualization of the tower2b that the techical organization3b aims to achieve.

If immigrant and slave labor serves as a potential1b in the above virtual category-based nested form, then it1b operates as a psychometric object working within the virtual normal context of elite alchemical knowledge1c and the potential of ‘the technical and group cohesion’1a that the technical organization3b demands.

Consider the numerological approach.

If I consider a number for this virtual nested form, I suppose it would be the number 5.  In binary code, {5} is {1(22)+0(21)+1(20)}.  The perspective (22) and content (20) levels are posited.  The situation (21) level is negated, or transformed into something that it is not: a psychometric object1b.

No immigrant or slave (by himself or herself) ideates that he or she is either immigrant or slave (because all are of one people due to the common language ideology).

0041 On the situation level, the actuality of tower construction2b is contextualized by technical organization3b and operates on the potential productivity of immigrant, not well-remunerated, labor1b.  That does not mean that they1b are not well fed.  They are fed slogans daily.

0042 On the perspective level, the elite’s hidden normal-context of celestial manipulation3c brings the actuality of the tower as a psychometric object2c into relation with the potential of ‘elite alchemical knowledge’1c

The virtual nested form in the realm of normal context is telling.  I assign the number three.

0043 In binary, {3} is {0(22)+1(21)+1(20)}.  The perspective-level is negated, thereby forcing everyone to think in terms of sensible construction.

In fact, the official propaganda is that the intended purpose of the tower is to serve as a stairway from heaven to earth.  The tower is an invitation for a celestial being to descend and find refreshment.  So, the number 3 is not enough.  There is one more “level” that packs the entire three-level social construction into… um… a content-level actuality2a?

0044 Okay, then about the number 11?

In binary, {11} is {1(23)+0(22)+1(21)+1(20)}.

So, the {1(23)} affirms the negation of the perspective-level normal context by masking its emptiness with a public proclamation2a(new) that covers over the “0” in the perspective-level normal conext3c.

At this point, I wonder, “May I call this numerology business, ‘numerometrics’?”

0045 What about non-biblical version of the same type of story as the Tower of Babel?

Notably, the Meopotamian epic, Ennerkar and the Lord of Aratta, notes that, way-back when, everyone addresses Enlil in a single language, then Enki mixes up the speech of men.

In the event, the mix-up involves an envoy going to the mountains of Aratta, in order to obtain gold and a specific form of silver, capable of participating in alchemic synthesis.  What would the envoy synthesize?  The translator stone?  A philosopher’s stone?  A formula to bind illusions, such as an ideology that everyone speaks a common tongue, to human minds, so that everyone accepts the ideology while, at the same time, obviously speaking different languages?  A translator’s stone can be spell binding.

0046 Farrell next mentions the Mayan creation account.  Parallels between the Popal Voh and the Tower of Babel are numerous, especially an implicit threat that human knowledge increases so rapidly as to threaten the gods.  Human knowledge includes cosmological information.  Human can identify the four corners of the sky.

In particular, the gods identify intellectuals as the problem.  In order to address their fears, the gods introduce wives and women to cause procreation and stop the accumulation of technical and alchemical knowledge.

Keep those explicit abstractions in check!

0047 Here, I return to the interscope for social construction before the confounding of speech.

Note how the titles of each level change.

0048 Here is what happens next.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 5 of 10)

0049 Chapter three concerns the topics of linguistic common origin and taxonomy.

From this examination, so far, I speculate (riffing off of Farrell’s speculations) that the normal context of an ideology of a common tongue3a derives from an actual translation stone2a, which converts one language to another so well that it2amaintains the potential for ‘technical work and group cohesion’1a

0050 So, to me, the question that chapter three addresses asks, “Is this ideology built into our brains, bodies and bones?”

What2a is required for the normal context of a common language3a to manifest the potential of  ‘the technical and group cohesion offered by one people1a?

Would a translator stone2a do the trick?

0051 Here is a picture of what I am talking about.

0052 Farrell starts with the earliest scientific formulation that the coincidence of one language and one people is bound through time.

The first language family to be identified is the Indo-European.  Wonderful social science is accomplished by Edward Sapir (1884-1939 AD), Alfredo Trombetti (1866-1929) and others.  All Indo-European languages trace back through time to one proto-Indo-European people. 

After that, further attempts at classifying language families are resisted for years

0053 Why?

Well, I suppose that it must be due to a “translator’s stone issue” of some sort.

As it turns out, many Indo-European languages are written, as well as oral.  So, writings, preserved through time, independently corroborate the similarities and differences identified by linguists.  In effect, writing independently verifies changes in phonetics and semantics over time.  Writing operates as a psychometric “translator’s stone”.

0054 In the 1960s, Joseph Greenberg refashions the (writing-focused) translator’s stone into an exercise of pattern recognition and statistics.  Farrell offers samples demonstrating the exercise.  Our gestalt-tendencies allow instant recognition of patterns that are then validated using statistical methods.  What are the chances that this pattern would be recognized and not any other?  Greenberg identifies language families as gigantic as Indo-European.  Indeed, even families of families can be discerned with his new translator stone… er… I mean to say, “methodology”.

Merritt Ruhlen, Greenberg’s student, publishes the crown publication in 1994, bringing the coincidence of language and ethnos (Russian for “a people lacking explicit abstractions indicating that they are a people”) all the way back to the origin of our species.

(Ethnos? See Looking at Michael Millerman’s Chapter (2022) “…Dimensions of Dugin’s Populism” appearing in Razie Mah’s blog in late February 2023.)

0055 So, if hominins fashion a common tongue at the start of our own species, then what do our ancestors talk in the times prior to say, 250,000 years ago?

The answer, according to Razie Mah, is hand talk.  Speech is added to hand talk at the start of our own species.  Humans practice hand-speech talk for, say, 240,000 years, and now, all civilizations practice speech-alone talk.

Hmmm. I suppose that a Tower of Babel Moment may be hidden in that hypothesis.

0056 But, a hand-speech talk to speech-alone talk Tower of Babel Moment is not what Genesis 11 reports.

Genesis 11 reports something very different.  Genesis 11 reports the conviction that one language means one people and, if everyone holds that conviction, then a civilization can accomplish whatever it sets out to do.

If the people really speak different languages, all that one needs is a topogram that maps one language onto the others, and visa versa, in order to establish that all belong to a common tongue and therefore constitute one people.

0057 Yes, the correlation between language and people, our talk-tradition and ourselves, is woven, by evolution, into the fabric of our being, so much that if we believe that we practice a common tongue, even though we obviously do not, then we are transubstantiated into one people.

0058 Farrell comes to the verge of articulating this realization, but does not.


He forges a path for others to follow.  The connection between a common language and genetic affiliation smells too sweet for him to realize that the flower produces a seed and that the seed may germinate into an illusion.  The mind-independent reality of the translator’s stone substantiates the mind-dependent reality that we all share a common tongue and therefore, are one people.

Others, following his path, can pause and say, “Hey, this may sound crazy, but what if the link between talk tradition and people is built into our very constitution, and what if all someone has to do is convince us that we have the same language, then we are caught, hook line and sinker, by the illusion that we are one people?”

Here is a picture.

0059 And now, an irony.

The Akkadian language, the language that most likely associates to Nimrod, the mighty you-know-what, belongs to the Semitic family of spoken languages, which is as impressive as the Indo-European.

The Sumerian language, the language that most likely associates to the ones who concocted the Tower of Bab-ilim story, is a linguistic isolate.  An “isolate”?  Yes, Sumerian is unrelated to any family of languages.

0060 This is an embarrassing topic for students of ancient Mesopotamian civilization.

So, experts rarely mention the fact.

After all, why would Sumerian be an linguistic isolate?

And, what would that fact have to do the formation of civilization of southern Mesopotamian?

Who knows?

So, who cares?

The stone that the builders reject, becomes the cornerstone of a new foundation.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 6 of 10)

0061 In chapter four, Farrell introduces the reader to Gottfried W. Leibniz (1646-1716 A.D.), a polymath in a century filled with polymaths.  Leibniz writes volumes.  Many of his works are not translated into English.  So, let the reader beware.  At the same time, let that not deter us.  Farrell picks up a translation of a short article (circa 1696) titled, “On the Principle of Indiscernibles”.

0062 I suppose that, if one tries, one can discern something.

But, what if that ‘something’ is indiscernible?

0063 Leibniz writes (I follow Farrell’s quotation), “All that we have said here arises from that great principle, that the predicate is in the subject.”

Does this apply to the Tower of Babel story?

Here is my guess.

0064 The translator stone2a is a predicate.  It2a is a psychometric object that actualizes the potential of ‘group cohesion’1awhile sustaining a normal context, the ideology of a common language3a, that maximizes that potential1a.

The Tower of Bab-ilim2c is a subject.  It2c is the psychometric object that actualizes the potential of ‘alchemic knowledge’1c while sustaining the hidden normal context3c, the manipulation of celestial beings3c, which may include “stars” like Nimrod, a mighty hunter and, no doubt, ruthless psychopath.  The administrators want Nimrod’s name on a tower that puts the Egyptian pyramids to shame.

0065 Leibniz’s proclamation concerns the principle of indiscernibles.

Farrell passes into the mists of that principle.

Who can discern, in the haze of a story about the confounding of languages, a Tower of Babel moment, which, to me, corresponds to the loss of efficacy of a translation stone?

0066 Does Farrell suggest that Leibniz seeks to recover the translation stone of translation stones, one that brings us to the beginning, that is, to the time when speech is added to hand talk, in the form of anatomically modern humans?

From this moment of divergence, all spoken languages radiate in time and space, except for a handful of isolates.  And, never mind about the issue of hand-speech talk.

This is not about isolates or hand-speech talk.

0067 Leibniz seeks to discern a translation stone that puts the one in the land of Shinar to shame.  Leibniz invents the calculus.  Plus, he envisions a lost form of philosophical analysis that imitates the calculus, in so far as it translates nature’s language into human discourse.  All that is needed is a map.  A topogram.  A translation stone.

Leibniz is not alone in his search for “characteristica universalis”.  Francis Bacon (1561-1626 AD) writes his own fictional manifesto, The New Atlantis, as an epilogue to his mechanical-philosophy oriented Novum Organon.

0068 Does Bacon’s towering manifesto and topographic mechanical philosophy overlay onto the actualities of the Tower of Babel construction?

Here is how that might look.

0069 Okay, back to Leibniz.

In 1679, a work entitled, “An Introduction To A Secret Encyclopedia”, circulates among later-to-be labeled, “enlightenment” thinkers.  

An Introduction To A Secret Encyclopedia mentions technocracy.

Now, if I were to put “technocracy” into the above interscope, then what slot would I choose?

How about the situation level normal context3b?

0070 Leibniz presents a long list of the arts involved with a complex administration of the secret encyclopedia.

Where do these arts go?

Perhaps, they go with the perspective-level potential1c.

Here is my prior guess, adjusted.

0071 Farrell highlights one of the arts: the art of subtlety.

This art is on display in Looking at Daniel Dennett’s Book (2017) “From Bacteria, to Bach, and Back”, appearing in Razie Mah’s blog during the month of December 2023.

0072 Indeed, this reader suspects that Farrell’s line of thought is designed to carve a deconstructive path into the art of subtlety, as well as the art of the obvious, in order to allow entrance to those who, like himself, are neither commoner nor aristocrat.

The art of the obvious pertains to what is intersubjectively accepted by commoners as “objective”.  Yes, the translator stone is real.  It is more real than the plain observation that the people of the Shinar plain speak Sumerian and Akkadian.  The translation stone is a psychometric object capable of altering social conditions.

The art of subtlety pertains to what is subjectively accepted by the commoner as “suprasubjective”.  Yes, the translator stone verifies the ideology that we all speak a common language and therefore, are one people.  If many people believe it, then that turns the translation stone into a psychometric object.

Yes, both arts are at work in the psychometrics of the translator stone2a and the Tower of Bab-ilim2c.

0073 All sorts of philosopher stones have been fashioned.

I suppose that, in the beginning, one of them worked as advertised.

What Farrell points out, in his spiral-staircase ascent through his deconstructive augur, is that all the nascent figures of the western enlightenment, suspect that this is the case.  All that we need to do is rediscover the one philosopher’s stone that works.  A translator stone connects us to the beginning of human kind, even to before the beginning of our kind.  A philosophical instrument translates the language of nature into the language of humans.  This alchemical recipe will even convert lead into gold.

0074 And so, I may pencil in a few more elements to Francis Bacon’s own Bab-ilim.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 7 of 10)

0075 Farrell concludes chapter four with speculative fireworks, launched from the platform of Leibniz’s characteristica universalis and the Nimrod-administration’s topogram that converts Sumerian to Akkadian and back again.  Content-level actualities2a generate a normal context3a and potential1a that allow people1a… well, at least the representatives2c of the people1a… or better, the people2c who claim to represent the people1a… to challenge God3c or at least, achieve ends3c that are hidden beneath a blanket of official propaganda2c.

0076 The popular Cabbala represents a translation stone2a, of sorts.

Jacob Boehme’s occult references to an Adamic language3a, a Natursprache3a, intimates the hidden potential of everyone working from the same playbook1a… er… illusion3a.

Illusion?  Delusion?

0077 Here I must pause to plug the examination that marks the start of 2023, just as this review ends the year.  In January of this year, Razie Mah opens with Looking a Alex Jones’s Book (2022) “The Great Reset”.  The theatrical Alex Jones labors to reveal illusions and delusions.  That is his mission and his gift.  In the analysis, two words are defined.

An illusion is a mind-independent reality that is regarded as mind-dependent.  The psychometric translator stone is a mind-independent reality that is regarded as a sign that there is a common language, hence, a common people (that is, a mind-dependent being).

A delusion is a mind-dependent reality that is regarded as mind-independent.  On the perspective level for the construction of the tower, the mind-dependent reality of alchemical knowledge1c supports a mind-independent manipulation of celestial beings3c.

0078 How does one discern all this?

The predicate is in the subject.

Here is a picture.

0079 Farrell turns the metaphor of the topogram inside out.

Surely, the radiation of languages from an original proto-Indo-European people is documented by writing.

What about a radiation of almost all the spoken languages of the world from a single population, say 250,000 years ago?

This radiation cannot be documented by writing.

What about petroglyphs?

Does the commonality of petrographic symbols validate the impression of a continuity that stretches from the start of our species to the Tower of Babel Moment that precedes the Tower of Babel Story in Genesis 11?

0080 Farrell suggests that we may turn to the last Renaissance man… or maybe, the first figure of the western enlightenment… for further insight into the principle of indiscernibles.


Looking at Joseph Farrell’s Book (2020) “The Tower of Babel Moment” (Part 8 of 10)

0081 Before I go there, I want to pause and gaze back to the beginning of Farrell’s journey: the eleventh chapter of Genesis.

Here is a numerological picture for the number eleven.

0082 Yes, this sounds goofy, but in terms of English puns, “eleven” sounds like “leaven”.  Leaven makes bread dough rise.  It is yeasty.  It is like something that grows in something else and ferments it.  So, chapter 11 is the yeast in the bread dough… of what?

If man does not live on bread alone…(see point 0041).

Then, what about base ten?

Base ten calls to mind two hands, working together, so maybe, chapter eleven leavens chapter one.

0083 In chapter one, God creates our world, step by step, in what looks to be a sequential evolutionary process.

In chapter eleven, Nimrod’s administrators create a tower, step by step, by commanding bricks to be made according to strict technical specifications.  The bricks must be burnt thoroughly. The administrators are able to accomplish this goal because their immigrant slave labor think that they are of one people with the elite.  Why?  The translator stone tells them so.

One must never underestimate the power of people to do what they evolved to do or to be what they evolved to be.  We evolved to recognize that one language means one people.  And what does one people do?  They work together.

So, of course, immigrant slave labor will work as if they are “stakeholders”.  They think that they are.  Fools.

The administrators are not the God of all creation.

Instead they are at war with God.

0084 Okay, let me try that again.

Base ten calls to mind two hands, working together.  So, maybe, chapter eleven leavens the stories of Adam and Eve.

On one hand, the story of Adam and Eve is not the subject of Farrell’s discourse.  However, it serves as a predicate to the Tower of Babel story as subject.  How so?  According to Saint Augustine, Adam and Eve stand at the origin of our kind. Each one of us descends, through begatting (and don’t tell me that the Genesis writers are unfamiliar with that term) from Adam and Eve.  The idea is implied in the letters of Saint Paul.

Unfortunately, modern genetics disproves Augustine’s thesis.  If a species starts with the union of one pair, scientists expect a genetic bottleneck.  Geneticists do not observe a bottleneck for the start of the species, Homo sapiens.

0085 Does that leave us empty handed?

No, the Fall of Adam and Eve essentially corresponds to a Tower of Babel Moment.  Adam and Eve are on one hand.  The Tower of Babel is on the other.

Theological nomenclature supports the suggestion.  Chapter one of Genesis is typically referred to as “the Creation Story”.  Chapter 2.4 through 11 are typically labeled, “the Primeval History”.  So, the stories of Adam and Eve and the story of the Tower of Babel bookend the Primeval History.

So much for two sequential ones in base ten.

0086 What about base two?

Let me start with the social construction of the Tower of Bab-ilim.

Now, let me consider that numerology business in terms of (1) presence and (0) negation.

Okay, now I consider the virtual nested form in the realm of actuality for social construction of the Tower of Bab-ilim.

The negation within the number eleven corresponds to the perspective-level actuality2c.

Isn’t that a coincidence?

0087 Now, I replace the potential1c underlying that negation2c with divine intervention.

0088 That does the trick.  Eleven goes to zero.  The blame game begins.

Some think that numerology can substantiate any claim.

For proof, one need look no further.

0089 But wait!

I have another association for base two.

This associate recapitulates base 10, which presents the stories of Adam and Eve as 1 and the Tower of Babel story as 10.

Here, the beginning of the Primeval History is 20 and the end is 22 and the middle is 21.

Here is the association.

0090 In this, the Tower of Babel2c represents the culmination of what the serpent in the Garden of Eden tells Eve during the drama of temptation2a.  The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil2a is the predicate.  The Tower of Babel2c is the subject.

Does that suggest that the translation stone2a, the thing that turns Sumerian and Akkadian into a common language, is a fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Does the seed of the fruit that Adam and Eve ate germinate and grow into theTower of Bab-ilim2c?

Does the seed of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil predicate the subject of all social manifestations of evil dangerous enough to challenge God?

0091 Has numerometrics isolated a new, postmodern, philosopher’s stone?

Numbers can tell me anything.