
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 YE

[Base-level bias must exist in social science experiments because the researcher defines the thought experiment3a that stimulates a response in the subject1a.

The response (the upwelling of potential in the subject1a plus the potential of the survey to impose constraints1b) always conforms to the stimulus (the normal contexts3a&3b that the event occurs in).

This also explains why many social scientists rely on deception. Deception has the same character as bias.   All experiments exhibit ‘base-level deception.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 YD

Summary of text [comment] pages 87 and 88

[The psychologist may think that “he” is measuring my mental potential1a as if it were an actuality. After all, on the situation level, the content level nested form is packaged as the possibility of something that the subject might choose1b.

The psychologist may not imagine that “he” is measuring the hidden features in the actuality in the thought experiment where ‘I choose something’.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 YB

Summary of text [comment] pages 87 and 88

[So what are survey questions actually measuring?

Something2a is the actuality that gains the subject’s attention. Yet, even this actuality is one element in a dyad.

The other element is the researcher and the conditions.

These are very difficult to assess. Consequently, the thought experiment3a treats these as constants.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 XZ

Summary of text [comment] pages 87 and 88

[In social science survey experiments, the bait is the thought experiement3a itself. The choice in the survey is the catch.

The bait inspires an upwelling in ‘the potential in me (the subject in the investigation)1a. That upwelling tries to ‘deal with’ the bait.

Something2a emerges from and situates that upwelling.

Something2a may be an answer. But, that answer may not fit a survey question where the respondent gives a number between 1 and 51b. Something2a depends on the thought experiment3a calling it into being. My choice2b depends on the situationb.]