
Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MF

[In the above examples, what do I desire?

I want to get along.

Therefore, the elites must never be satisfied with me.

They will always be morally superior in order to force me to pretend to desire things that I would never would desire on my own.

I desire to be left alone.

What I do to accomplish that desire validates the values that valorize elite moral superiority.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 ME

[How did we get this way?

It started with the first singularity.

Humans adopted a new way of talking, speech alone talk, leaving behind the referential world of hand speech talk.

Speech alone talk allows us to create purely symbolic orders3a, specialized languages3a, thought experiments3a and mirrors of the world3a, whose unintended consequences (lawessential) can be ignored, and therefore must be ignored, by the elites who benefit from the ‘something2a’ that emerges and situates the possibilities inherent in me1a.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MB

[The Cult of American Progressivism spews a deluge of words in order to maintain bondage to our particular victimhoods.

Pneumo-pathological mechanisms establish of a sovereign religion.

Those grasping for power have objects that bring subjects into organization.

Thinkpro-object enslaves the subjects who, like all those who went to Jesus and heard only parables, simply do not know any better.]


Man and Sin by Piet Schoonenberg (1964) 2.3 MA

Summary of text [comment] page 83

[Just as the regular first-century Jews selected the ‘something2a’ that empowered the Pharisees, many twentieth century Americans vote for ‘something2a’ that denies other people’s rights and properties.

By pretending to be a victim, we get free stuff.

We vote for Progressive representatives to scam easily intimidated common folk (who strive to build wealth).

The very rich folk, however, have different options.

They hire lobbyists.

How character building is that?]