
Looking at Robert Prinz’s Chapter (2024) “Meaning Relies on Codes But Depends on Agents” (Part 3 of 5)

0416 Here is another way of looking at it.

The agent3 of semiotic agency2 is no longer the agent3 that was present originally.  The new agent3 effectively games an established semiotic agency2 by changing its underlying signficance1.  But, it is not an intentional change.  It is more like a subtle change in landscape that eventually alters the course of a river.

0417 So, coded semiotic agency2 finds itself within the domain of a new agent3 and potential1 and the new domain is going to “game” the semiotic agency2.

0418 Options?

Well, the original code can go out of business, to be replaced by semiotic agency2 from the new management3,1.

The original code can continue to operate irrespective of the semiotic agency2 that the new management3,1 is actualizing.  In this case, the new management3,1 may use the original code as a functional component within a more comprehensive semiotic agency2.

The original code that manifests as a functional component within a more comprehensive semiotic agency2 may start to change, in response to its new normal context3 and potential1, through empedoclements.

0419 In short, modularity and hierarchy among semiotic agencies2 may also be regarded as modularity and hierarchy among agents3 and their significance1.

Thus, the title of Prinz’s chapter is accounted for.

0420 Section 11.4 lists topics in neural codes.

Section 11.5 raises the question as to whether meaning is in or from codes.

Section 11.6 wonders how interpretation delivers meaning.

These sections all flow from Barbieri’s insights into the all-encompassing nature of codes.

And, codes are all-encompassing because the Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay is all-encompassing.

0421 For neural codes, consider a human agent who sees an object on a sunny day.

Specular reflection of photons from a solid thing (SVsin the external world (A) stands for a thing with matter and form (SOs) in regards to the functioning of pattern-recognizing specifiers in my occipital lobe (SIs).

A thing with matter and form (SVe) stands for an exemplar of ‘what it is’ (SOein my world (B) according to specialized exemplar-recognizing modules outside of my occipital lobe (SIe).

0422 I can ask, “How do I experience this?”

I can ask, “What is happening?”

A juxtaposition between the category-based nested form containing semiotic agency2 and the content-level of the scholastic interscope for how humans think (appearing in Razie Mah’s blog for October, 2023, titled, Looking at John Deely’s Book (2010) “Semiotic Animal”) provides an interesting answer.

Does a comparison work?

0423 A human agent3 asks, “What is happening?”

What is happening3 is a content-level normal context3a.

It3a makes me wonder about the possibility that ‘something’ is happening1a.

A neural code-based S&T noumenal overlay2c presents an impression2a of an exemplar sign-object2c (SOe).

The potential of vision1a offers the possibility of identifying what it2a (SVs) is1a.

So, maybe, in the above figure, the entire lower nested form fits into the actuality2 of semiotic agency2.


Looking at Robert Prinz’s Chapter (2024) “Meaning Relies on Codes But Depends on Agents” (Part 4 of 5)

0424 Here is another example for neural codes.

0425 In the specifying sign-relation, formant frequencies uttered by a vocal tract (parole) (SVs) in the external world (A) stands for a spoken word (langue, an item in a mental system of differences) (SOs) in regards to rapid associations between parole and langue that occurs in specialized regions of the brain (SIs).

In the exemplar sign-relation, a spoken word (langue) (SVe) stands for an exemplar of ‘meaning, presence and message’ (“m.p.m.”; SOe) in my world (B) according to definition (SIe).

0426 Definition?

Is a definition3 a normal context3 like the content-level question, “What is happening?3a

Consider the following juxtaposition.

0427 The author provides one illustration, titled, “Box 1”, listing various definitions of words in classic dictionary style.  For the past few centuries, encyclopedists have labored to keep track of and pin down the meanings of spoken words.  The effort is crucial to constructing and maintaining scientific disciplinary languages.

0428 Consequently, I can imagine a similarity between the human agent3 engaged in definition3 and the stance of a human agent3 asking the question, “What is happening?”3a.

0429 But, there is a difference, as well.

The problem is that the former normal context may be called, “explicit abstraction”, and the latter may be called, “implicit abstraction”.

The difference between the potential of meaning, presence and message1 and the possibility that ‘it is something’1acannot be swept under the cognitive table.  One is counter-intuitive and the other is intuitive.

0430 I can take that lesson all the way to the core term in this chapter.

Barbieri’s signature book is titled, Code Biology: A New Science of Life (2015, Springer Dordecht).


Looking at Robert Prinz’s Chapter (2024) “Meaning Relies on Codes But Depends on Agents” (Part 5 of 5)

0431 In contrast to the capitalization of the term, “code”, if I go back, say 10,000 years before this time, before the potentiation of civilization, then I would find that the word, “code”, could not be uttered in hand-speech talk.

In human evolution, language evolves in the milieu of hand-talk.  Speech is added to hand-talk, as an adornment, at the start of our species, Homo sapiens.

See Comments on Michael Tomasello’s Arc of Inquiry (1999-2019) as well as the masterwork, The Human Niche (by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues).  Portions of the former may be found in Razie Mah’s blog for January through March, 2024.  

0432 Hand-talk words picture and point to their referents.  Consequently, the problem of definition is resolved before it can even be raised.  The referent exists before the gestural word.  Otherwise, what would the gestural word image or indicate?

Nevertheless, hand talk fits into code biology.

0433 The agent cannot be ignored.

For hand and hand-speech talk, the agent belongs to the Lebenswelt that we evolved in.  The linguistic manual-brachial word gesture2a (SVs) stands for the referent that it images or points to2b (SOs) in regards to a specifying code3bperformed by a specific region of the hominin brain1b (SIs).

The hominin agent does not have to ask, “What is happening?”, because ‘something’ is always happening.  All the hominin needs to do is implicit abstraction.  Because hand-talk words are images or indications, then implicit abstraction is called for.  “Decoding” enters the picture when the word-gestures are sufficiently different as to be rapidly interpreted on the grounds that they are easy to recognize.

Yes, meaning relies on codes, but agents cannot be ignored.


Looking at Abir Igamberdiev’s Chapter (2024) “Evolutionary Growth of Meanings…” (Part 1 of 4)

0434 The text before me is chapter twelve in Pathways to the Origin and Evolution of Meanings in the Universe (2024, edited by Alexei Sharov and George E. Mikhailovsky, pages 265-278).  The full title is “Evolutionary Growth of Meanings in the Relational Universe of Intercommunicating Agents”.  The author is a biologist at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, at St. John’s.

0435 The introduction places the term, “agent”, on stage.

How does one know whether “an agent” is an agent?

Well, the agent should be obvious.  An agent is physical.  An agent is the repository of – what Aristotle calls – “final causality”.  Final causality associates to another metaphysics-laden term, “teleology”.

What is the meaning of this term, “repository”.

0436 I only ask this because the thing that we encounter in science associates to what is for the Positivist’s judgment.  Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay pertains to what is, and it describes semiotic agency.  Semiotic agency (as the noumenon) gives rise to phenomena that are observed and measured by biologists, then the resulting models are attributed, not to agency2 itself, but to the agent3 and the agent’s intentions1 (that is, final causalities).

0437 “Repository” plays out as a category-based nested form.

The normal context of an agent3 brings the actuality of semiotic agency2 into relation with the possibilities inherent in ‘final causality’1.

The agent3 puts semiotic agency2 into context.  Semiotic agency2 emerges from (and situates) the potential of ‘teleology’1.

These basics are found in A Primer on the Category-Based Nested Form, by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues.

0438 The image of “the agent” as “an obvious repository of final causality” treats the category-based nested form diagrammed above as a thing.

The author presents the image without hesitation, as if that is what human naturally do.  Humans not only treat a thing as a thing, but we also treat a corresponding category-based nested form as a thing.  Not the same “thing”, but still, a thing.

We observe semiotic agency2.  We visualize the agent3 as a physical repository of final causality1.

0439 What does this imply?

Consider the title of the chapter, Evolutionary Growth of Meanings in the Relational Universe of Intercommunicating Agents.

Where do I slip the category-based nested form into this title?

Do category-based nested forms slide into the author’s designation of “relational universe”?

If so, then the substitution brings this examiner face to face with where the author seems to be going, the recovery of Aristotle’s causalities within the milieu of biosemiotics.

0440 If that is the case, let me present a more hylomorphic version of the category-based nested form.

0441 Notice that actuality2 corresponds to Peirce’s category of secondness.  Secondness consists of two contiguous real elements.  In the figure, the contiguity is placed in brackets for the purposes of notation.

For example, for Aristotle, when I encounter a thing, the two real elements that come to mind are matter and form.  Matter is necessary for presence.  Form is necessary for shape.  What is the contiguity between matter and form?  Here, I snatch a term that has been much abused, because it has been so difficult to grasp.  The term is “substance”.  I now assign a very specific, technical definition to the term in hand.  “Substance” is the contiguity between matter and form.

0442 Aristotle’s hylomorphe is an exemplar of Peirce’s category of secondness.

Thus, the recovery of Aristotle’s terminology in the biosemiotic milieu begins.

0443 Abir Igamberdiev is not the only one to imagine a recovery of Aristotle’s causality in light of the postmodern compromise of the positivist intellect.

Mariusz Tabaczek pursues a recovery in the field of emergence.  Emergence endeavors to account for the constellation of higher-order noumena that could not be predicted on the basis of lower-level noumena.  Like biosemiotics, the goal is understanding, rather than prediction and control.

See Comments on Mariusz Tabaczek’s Arc of Inquiry (2019-2024) by Razie Mah, available at smashwords and other e-book venues.  Much of this commentary may be found in Razie Mah’s blog for March, April and May 2024.  Tabaczek’s work is discussed in this examination in points 0276 to 0300.


Looking at Abir Igamberdiev’s Chapter (2024) “Evolutionary Growth of Meanings…” (Part 2 of 4)

0444 Still, the writing of Abir Igamberdiev stands before me.

So, let me run through how Aristotle’s four causes play out in the category-based nested form.

I start with material and efficient causalities.

0445 Material causes point to the contiguity between the two real elements.  If the elements are matter and form (as in Aristotle’s exemplar), then the material cause introduces some sort of contiguity between the two.  For example, molten bronze flows into a plaster hollow (created by covering a wax figure with plaster then melting the wax).  For Peirce, the contiguity expresses the character of scientific cause and effect.  An observable cause [produces] a measurable effect.  For chemistry, reagents [react and turn into] products.  Chemical notation is iconic in this regard.

0446 Efficient causes point to actuality2 emerging from (and situating) possibility1.

For example, in chemistry, spontaneous chemical reactions release free energy (heat and entropy).  A change in thermodynamic potential supports spontaneous chemical reactions.  With a special apparatus, one can measure the heat produced by a chemical reaction by recording the temperature increase of a water bath.  Efficient and instrumental causes support observations and measurements that contribute to scientific modeling of the contiguity between reagents and products.

0447 Material and instrumental causes are familiar to scientists.  They fall under the label, “physics”.  

The other two causes are ignored and disparaged by scientists.  They fall under the label, “metaphysics”.  Metaphysics introduces the normal context and potential as “causes”.

0448 Formal causes concern the ways that a normal context3 contextualizes its actuality2.  Typically, formal causes are confounded with material causes.  If material causes do not satisfy a formal requirement, then the actuality2 may fail.  Indeed, when one thinks about it, the only material causes that are relevant tend to be those that are entangled with formal causes.

Final causes concern the potential underlying the coherence of the entire category-based nested form.  The firstness that supports efficient causes is instrumental.  Instrumental of what?  Oh, instrumental of efficacy.  Okay, there must be another potential, a more substantial potential, that explains why efficient causes are instrumental.  Thirdness brings secondness into relation with thirdness.  Firstness potentiates the operations of thirdness.  Final causes are often framed in terms of “intentionality” and “purpose”.

0449 Surely, all four of Aristotle’s causes are in play when one encounters a thing or event. 

Understanding teases out all four causes.

Scientific inquiry does not seek understanding.

Science seeks the truth to be found in models of observations and measurements of phenomena.

Scientific inquiry seeks utility and control.

Of what?

The noumenon or the model?

0450 Scientific inquiry starts with the inorganic world, where the normal context is not apparent.  Seventeenth century mechanical philosophers want to reduce inanimate things to mechanistic models.  This can only be done by using material causes shorn of formal causes and efficient causes shorn of final causes to build mathematical and mechanical models.

0451 Later, the biologically inclined heirs of the mechanical philosophers strive to reduce animate things to mechanistic models.

Later, the socially inclined heirs of the mechanical philosophers strain to reduce social and psychological things to mechanistic models.

Later, the psychometrically inclined heirs of the mechanical philosophers convert what people are willing to say into data, in order to build opportunities for empirio-normative domination.


Looking at Abir Igamberdiev’s Chapter (2024) “Evolutionary Growth of Meanings…” (Part 3 of 4)

0452 What does this imply?

Scientists have been elucidating the physical foreground of semiotic agency for four-hundred years, while at the same time remaining oblivious to its metaphysical background.  It’s funny in a horrifying sort of way.  Perhaps, we may be forgiven, for we know not what we do.  Without the causes associated to Aristotle’s metaphysics, we cannot even ascertain what an agent is.

Here is a picture, once again.

0453 An agent3 brings semiotic agency2 into relation with the potential of ‘final causality’1.

Without the potential of teleology1, the agent3 cannot be recognized as the normal context for semiotic agency2.

0454 In section 12.2, Igamberdiev introduces two distinctive terms.

To me, “ontolon” labels the coming together of a triadic relation.  A triadic relation is an ontological whole.  Ontology encompasses thirdness, secondness and firstness.  A single category-based nested form is an ontolon.

To me, “vortex” labels the swirling coming-to-fruition of a model, in conjunction with disciplinary language and the observations and measurements of phenomena.  In short, “vortex” labels an empirio-schematic judgment, as a triadic relation constellating in what ought to be (and secondness) in the Positivist’s judgment.

0455 In sum, Igamberdiev’s terms label the two sources of illumination in the Positivist’s judgment.

Uh-oh, where is the ontolon?

0456 Ontolons associate to noumena.

Vortexes associate to phenomena.

0457 Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay identifies what phenomena can objectify the noumenal overlay.

Remember, triumphal science places a successful model over the noumenon, in order to create the situation where a model (veiling the noumenon) [can be objectified as] its phenomena.  Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlayperforms the same catharsis.  Yet, the performance cannot be complete, because Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay is… um… noumenal.  Indeed, it contains what every biological system has in common: the specifying and exemplar sign-relations.

0458 The phenomena that Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay identify may be observed and measured by biologists.


Humans recognize noumena.  That is one of the human adaptations into our niche of triadic relations.

So, sign-vehicles and sign-objects constitute phenomena that humans may observe (and on occasion, measure).  That data may then go into models (vortexes) that account for the contiguities in the S&T noumenal overlay.  These models do not overwrite the noumenon, they fill in the noumenon.  So, “vortex” is an excellent word that describes the way models fill in the elements of the noumenon that need to be explained.  Models enrich our appreciation of material and efficient causalities that are not divorced from formal and final causalities.

0459 What does this imply?

Sharov and Tonnessen’s noumenal overlay explains the character of what is for the biosemiotic version of the Positivist’s judgment.   S&T’s overlay [can be objectified by] its phenomena.

Yet, the nested form of agent3 (an ontolon) cannot be fully objectified by the same phenomena.


Agent3 is the normal context3 and ‘final causalities’1 is the potential1 for all semiotic agencies2.

Ah, now I see the ontolon and the vortex.


Looking at Abir Igamberdiev’s Chapter (2024) “Evolutionary Growth of Meanings…” (Part 4 of 4)

0460 Section 12.3 covers meaningful information in autopoetic systems.

“Auto” means “self”.  “Poetic” means “powered”.

0461 To start, the universe is full of spontaneous processes that may be modeled by truncated material and efficient causes.  Entropy increases.  Agency does not need to be present.

Autopoetic systems are not really self-powered.  Instead, they entangle a spontaneous process (where entropy increases) in a triadic relation, so that, as movement towards thermodynamic equilibrium proceeds, some of the free energy is diverted to the maintenance and construction of an “autopoetic” being.  This is the nature of emergence.  Emergence associates to life.

0462 Igamberdiev notices that biological dynamics include both low-energy and high-energy processes separated by an epistemic cut.  The epistemic cut becomes obvious when visualizing the way that formal and final causes envelope material and efficient causes.  Formal and final causes associate to “low-energy”.  Material and efficient causes go with “higher-energy”.

In the above figure.  Low-energy describes the ontolon (in purple).  Higher-energy describes the vortices (in green).

0463 Now, it seems that the low-energy and the high-energy dynamics must work in tandem.  For example, models of self governance and potential courses of action and of salience should capture basic structural interactions between a living organism and its environment.  Jacob von Uexkull (1864-1944 AD) coins the term, “Functionkreis”.  Functionkreis may be regarded as systems of reflexive loops (vortexes) generating a network of biological codes(ontolons).

0464 Codes?

Yes, the concept of codes is already discussed in points 0409 through 0433.

0465 The high-energy, hard work of Functionkreis is investigated in biological laboratories throughout the world.  What are the truncated material and efficient causalities that go into… say… whether a mitochondria is operating properly or malfunctioning?  Laboratory scientists aim for mechanistic answers, but the terminology that frames their research questions betray the biosemiotic reality that they cannot allow to infect their methodologies.

The low-energy, epistemologically relevant work of codes is investigated by biosemiotics, as shown in the following figure.

0466 In section 12.4, Igamberdiev introduces the term, “codepoesis”.

Codepoesis contrasts with autopoesis.

“Codepoesis” labels an intrinsic property of biological entities, where the holistic living system maps out onto a finite set of constituent… um… semiotic agents.  Yes, the organism maps (through codepoesis) onto its organs and systems as semiotic agents.  Then, organs and systems as semiotic agents map onto tissues and anatomical arrangements.

0467 The list continues downwards towards physical poesis.

Upwards, the list ends with a holistic terminus that exhibits the rewards of codepoesis, but itself is not so bound by a superior level of code.  In autopoesis, the “soul” is the kinetic perfection (substitute the word, “completion”, for “perfection”) of the body and the body is the holistic terminus of codepoesis.  The levels of codepoesis may also be called “subagencies”. 

0468 In section 12.5, Igamberdiev adds one more level of poesis.  The autopoesis of the individual human occurs within a super-organism that has its own autonomy.

0469 Here, at the end of Part II of Pathways to the Origin and Evolution of Meanings in the Universe (2024, edited by Alexei Sharov and George E. Mikhailovsky, pages 187-278), the value of the category-based nested form comes to the fore as a style of semiotic inquiry within the category of sociopoesis.

Igamberdiev lays out a hierarchy as well as a frame for that hierarchy.

Sharov and Tonnessen’s semiotic agency captures what is common in all biological processes.

Sharov and Tonnessen propose their noumenal overlay within the hierarchy of sociopoesis.

So, Abir Igamberdiev seems to get the last word.

0470 This concludes my examination of Part II of Pathways, containing chapters nine through twelve titled and “Meanings in the Evolution of Life”.  My thanks to each author and the editors for publishing these challenging essays.


Examining Biosemiotics At This Juncture (A Look Back and Forward) (Part 1 of 2)

0471 I have, under examination, two texts that bring the inquirer to the door of a truly postmodern discipline of biosemiotics.  Biosemiotics adheres to the relational structure of the Positivist’s judgment, but with a caveat.  Metaphysics is allowed.  The positivist intellect must accept metaphysics in order to understand semiotic agency2, in the normal context of an agent3 operating on the potential of final causality1.  Final causality is necessarily metaphysical.

0472 Here is a picture of the category-based nested form for semiotic agency2 as an actuality2 that requires understanding3((1)).

0473 The first book is Semiotic Agency: Science Beyond Mechanism, by biosemioticians Alexei Sharov and Morten Tonnessen.  The book is published in 2021 by Springer (Switzerland) and logs in at volume 25 of Springer’s Series in Biosemiotics.  Series editors are Kalevi Kull, Alexei Sharov, Claude Emmeche and Donald Favareau.  These authors and editors have Razie Mah’s permission for use of the continuing disquisition, with attribution of said blogger.

0474 The second book is Pathways to the Origin and Evolution of Meanings in the Universe, edited by Alexei Sharov and George Mikhailovsky.  Each chapter has its own author(s).  The book is published in 2024 by Scrivener Press (Beverly, MA) and logs in as volume 1 in Scrivener’s Series on Astrobiology Perspectives on Life in the Universe.  Series editors are Martin Scrivener and Phillip Carmical.  Chapter authors and book editors have Razie Mah’s permission for use of the continuing disquisition, with attribution of said blogger.

0475 Now, I look back.

The examination starts by examining Parts I and III of Semiotic Agency.  This covers historical development and theory of the discipline of biosemiotics.  The discussion covers points 0001 to 0270 and will be packaged under the title Biosemiotics As Noumenon 1: Semiotic Agency.  The package, by Razie Mah, should be available at smashwords and other e-book venues.

The examination continues by looking at the end of Part II of Semiotic Agency (chapter 5) along with Part II of Pathways(chapters 9-12).  The discussion covers points 0271 to 0470 and will be packaged under the title Biosemiotics as Noumenon 2: Origins of Life.

0476 Here is a picture looking back.


Examining Biosemiotics At This Juncture (A Look Back and Forward) (Part 2 of 2)

0476 Next, I look forward to the topics of non-human agency and human agency.

For the former, the following figure portrays the readings that I will cover.  The discussion will cover points 0471 to 0828 and will be packaged under the title Biosemiotics as Noumenon 3: Non-Human Agency.

0477 For the latter, the following figure portrays a trajectory, covering points 0829 to 1300 and will be packaged under the title Biosemiotics as Noumenon 4: Human Agency.


Looking at Alexei Sharov and Morten Tonnessen’s Chapter (2021) “Composite Agency” (Part 1 of 5)

478 The text before me is chapter 10 of Semiotic Agency (2021).  Details on the text may be found on point 0473.  Chapter 10 covers pages 291-312.

0479 The authors’ claim?

A multiplicity of subagents is a typical feature of agency and is necessary for a higher-level agent’s reliable self-construction, robustness and adaptability.

Subagents are semi-autonomous.  The co-exist in partially cooperative and partially antagonistic manners.  In many cases, semiogenesis occurs when one subagent provides the scaffolding that facilitates, represses or redirects the development of another subagent.

0480 Subagents characterize anatomy and physiology in animals.

Animals are subject to natural selection.

Plus, some parasites play the game of subagency very well.

0481 So, let me start with the Sharov and Tonnessen noumenal overlay.

0482 Obviously, subagents are employed in the specifying and exemplar sign-interpretants.

0483 The authors’ first example is a single-celled paramecium.  The length of the cell in 300 micrometers.  Is that one third of a millimeter?  Subagents include a macronucleus, micronucleus, pellicle, gullet, food vacuoles, anal pore and so forth.  None of the subagents are truly self-governing.  Each plays a role in various courses of action, depending on what the paramecium is going to do (SOe).

Here are my associations for a paramecium’s semiotic agency.

0484 If this is the noumenon, then what are the phenomena?

In order to find out, I take the paramecium into my laboratory (actually, it’s an academic biology lab) and vary its environmental conditions (SVs).  The paramecium is a holobiont (a whole, living organism).  At any given moment, it acts as an agent3, whose main motivation seems to be ‘staying alive’1.

That is where semiotic agency2 comes in.

Some conditions produce responses (SOe) that indicate that the paramecium responds to something in its environment (SOs and SVe).  Sign-vehicles and sign-objects give rise to phenomena.  Indeed, these sign-elements are objectified by my observations and measurements of those phenomena.

0485 But, what about the paramecium as an agent?

Here is a picture.